Chapter 185 Leave
Then Tang Lang brought Ning Rongrong to Yu Xiaogang's office.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang was already starting a small stove for Tang San alone, but Tang Lang didn't care about it at all.

He just told Yu Xiaogang about his idea of ​​playing with Ning Rongrong.

But what Tang Lang didn't expect was that he not only disagreed, but also reacted very strongly.

"No, I don't agree!"


Tang Lang frowned, feeling a little sullen in his heart.

"No reason, since Flender has handed over your management rights to me, then you must follow my arrangement to carry out the soul fighting match."

Yu Xiaogang's attitude is very tough.

Tang Lang thought about it, and directly told Yu Xiaogang about his and Ning Rongrong's plans to leave Shrek Academy.

"Nonsense! It's simply nonsense! You can leave, but Ning Rongrong can't."


"She can get the best training and training in Shrek Academy, and I can train the eight of them into real monsters!"

What Yu Xiaogang said was awe-inspiring.

If it was someone else, maybe he really agreed to it.

But Tang Lang was no one else, he knew all the training methods of the master.

Moreover, Ning Rongrong's ability to grow into a monster is almost inevitable, it's just a matter of how long it takes.

The root of Ning Rongrong's strength is that she is the daughter of Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect!
At the same time, it has the strongest auxiliary martial soul in the mainland!
Nine Treasures Glazed Tower!
How could Ning Rongrong not be a real monster?

"Master, Rongrong has the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Soul, and is the future successor of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. Even if she doesn't study with you, I think she can become the pinnacle existence on the mainland."

Even in front of Tang San, Tang Lang didn't give Yu Xiaogang any face.

This time, no one could stop Tang Lang's plan.

When Yu Xiaogang heard Tang Lang's words, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Tang Lang's words are correct!

The reason why Ning Rongrong was able to become a peak existence on the mainland seems to have little to do with who trained it.

She is not the same as Tang San.

Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Wuhun really needed Yu Xiaogang's theoretical guidance, after all, it was the first time that Blue Silver Grass appeared as an attacking Wuhun.

Yu Xiaogang seemed to know that he could not persuade Tang Lang, so he could only pin his hopes on Ning Rongrong.

However, Ning Rongrong behind Tang Lang just smiled at him.

"Master, I will listen to brother Tang Lang."


The master was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to dissuade this couple who were passionately in love.

"Master, I told you that our departure is inevitable. The arrival of the Saintess of the Wuhun Temple is because of me. If we continue to stay in Shrek Academy, not only will we be killed, but Xiaosan and the others will also be killed." very dangerous."

"Wuhundian, I'll talk about it!"

Yu Xiaogang said slightly angrily.

However, Tang Lang sneered.

"Master, it's not that I look down on you. Do you think Spirit Hall will really turn a blind eye to the alliance of the second of the three sects because of you alone? Especially among them is the colossus of the Haotian School, which has been dormant for many years."

"Brother Tang Lang!"

Tang San suddenly called out. In his opinion, Tang Lang disrespected his teacher a little.

"Go out for me. Here, I am your teaching assistant. In Zongmen, I am your clan brother. What right do you have to interrupt?"

Tang Lang didn't even turn his head.

In front of Tang Lang, Tang San really had no place to speak.

Tang Lang didn't think there was any contradiction between respecting Tang Hao and beating Tang San.

And even if Tang Hao is here, Tang Lang dares to say that!
"Little San, you go out first."

Yu Xiaogang waved at Tang San.

Tang San hesitated for a moment, but finally left.

When Tang San left, Tang Lang continued:
"Xiao San is a good boy. Being able to teach him well is already enough for you to be proud of. As for the two of us, don't bother you. Tonight's battle, the two of us will go together."

After finishing speaking, Tang Lang turned around and left with Ning Rongrong.

Just when the two were about to leave, Yu Xiaogang suddenly called out.

"You really don't regret it?"

A distressed look.

But Tang Lang wouldn't accept his trick at all, Ning Rongrong, he must take it away!
It's not that he is selfish, but Yu Xiaogang is selfish!
He had already broken his face with Hu Liena, so the fact that he and Ning Rongrong were at the Shrek Academy in Soto City would definitely be exposed.

And even Hu Liena guessed that the Clear Sky School might have formed an alliance with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, so Bibi Dong was no fool.

Maybe Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo from Wuhun Temple are on their way!

Only when he and Ning Rongrong left Soto City and returned to their sect, could they divert their attention.

And it must be a high-profile departure.

Otherwise, these people in Shrek Academy will not be safe.

At that time Tang Lang would also suggest that Tang Hao stay in Soto City to protect his son.

After all, after returning to the sect, Tang Lang no longer needed protection.

Although I don't know why Yu Xiaogang can't figure it out, but the general guess is.

What Yu Xiaogang thought was that as long as he left, Ning Rongrong could become a free man, and with the momentum of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School at this time, maybe the Spirit Hall would really not tear itself apart.

At least not on the surface.

But Tang Lang didn't want to gamble this time.

After leading Ning Rongrong to the gate of Shrek Academy, Tang Lang looked back at the slightly worn plaque.

"Rongrong, if you regret it, you can naturally stay."

"Brother Tang Lang, I don't regret it."

"Okay, then let's go meet the saint of the Spirit Hall together."

"Brother, thank you."

Ning Rongrong suddenly said something.

"Thank me?"

"Rongrong is not stupid, I know that you did this for me from the beginning, maybe I dragged you down."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Tang Lang pretended to be angry, hugged Ning Rongrong in his arms, and said softly:
"Don't worry, brother will definitely protect you."


"Hey, hey, brother, will you protect me too?"

Suddenly, fat Ma Hongjun's discordant voice sounded again.

Tang Lang and Ning Rongrong discovered that everyone had come.

"You? Didn't I say you don't have to go?"

Tang Lang really didn't want these guys to get involved.

"What does it matter, we are brothers."

The fat man roared.

"Your words sound good this time. He's right. We are brothers."

Dai Mubai patted Tang Lang's shoulder and said with a big smile.

Even Oscar said he would go with him.

Xiao Wu originally seemed to want to join in the fun, but was stopped by Tang San.

"Brother Tang Lang, what happened just now was my fault, but this time I really can't go with you."

"Hehe, there is no need to be polite between you and me. You have to work hard. I am waiting for the day when you surpass me."

After speaking, Tang Lang looked at the others.

"Thank you for your kindness, but this time, you really can't go, we don't want to hurt Shrek Academy by leaving, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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