Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 101 Witnesses

Chapter 101 Witnesses
"Qin Zhixi, I don't know what kind of mentality you have to say about my work. Don't you think it's ridiculous if it's your work?" Qin Zhirou folded her hands on her chest and looked at Qin Zhixi innocently and a little bit unfairly.

"Okay, take a step back, you say my work is yours, do you have any evidence?" Qin Zhirou looked at Qin Zhixi and took a rest.

People in the circle keep the works they design extremely secret. Before the new works designed by everyone are released, only the author knows about them. Therefore, Qin Zhirou concluded that Qin Zhixi can't find evidence .

"What's mine is mine, what evidence is needed. I've sketched out every stroke and every stroke day and night." Qin Zhirou had already opened her mouth, and Qin Zhixi naturally ignored the look in the general manager's eyes and replied directly.

When Qin Zhirou heard Qin Zhixi's words, she felt even more determined to win: "This work is obviously mine, but you insist on claiming it's yours. If you don't show some evidence, do you think others will believe you?" The tone of her speech was high and high, as if Qin Zhixi was too stupid, it was a headache for her.

"Qin Zhixi, don't you think about it before you speak and do things? You are ruining my image by making such a fuss. I don't know how people in the company will pass me on in the future." Qin Zhirou continued to say forcefully.It's completely standing on the commanding heights of morality, like lecturing.

"So, you must speak clearly today. If you say that the work is yours, you have to produce evidence to prove that the work is yours." Qin Zhixi walked in Qin Zhixi's direction, approaching step by step: "If you don't have evidence, prove that the work is yours." The work is yours, so you apologize to me." Every word, every word is compelling.

"Apologize? Don't even think about it." Qin Zhixi immediately persuaded her to go back.

NND, Qin Zhirou is really shameless and shameless, for stealing her work, she still wants to apologize to her.

Qin Zhirou's acting skills are really good, she almost went to act in TV.

"General manager. I'm a new designer. I just got No.1, and I was framed like this. I hope you can help me uphold justice. Otherwise, I really can't stay in the design department in 'Chu Yuan'." Qin Zhirou turned around and went to attack the general manager.

The general manager stared at Qin Zhirou with a serious expression: "It's only natural."

"Qin Zhixi, you say that the design draft of No.1 is yours, do you have any evidence? Get it quickly." The general manager looked at Qin Zhixi again in a blink of an eye.

Evidence, what can be used as evidence?Qin Zhixi's brain was spinning rapidly.

The signature under the design draft?No, Qin Zhirou's copy of the design draft that imitated her secretly also had her signature on it.

The details of the design draft, yes, when Qin Zhirou stole it, there must always be deviations in the details.

No, a little deviation, in the eyes of others, it may mean that you think you are deviation.

Qin Zhixi clenched her lower lip, as she had no physical evidence.Witness.

By the way, she showed the work to her colleagues before handing it in.Isn't this witness testimony?

Qin Zhixi was overjoyed from the bottom of her heart, her eyes lit up, she opened her eyes wide and looked at the general manager, her voice was clear and bright:

"General manager, I have a certificate. Please call Wang Yiyi and Cheng Huanxuan from our department."

What, Qin Zhixi has someone to prove it?Qin Zhirou looked over in surprise.

Did Qin Zhixi show such an important design draft to those two colleagues in her department!

(End of this chapter)

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