Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 103 Monitoring

Chapter 103 Monitoring
After hearing Qin Zhirou's words, Qin Zhixi was really shocked.

"Qin Zhirou, you really impress me. You don't even make drafts when you lie. You don't blush at all when you do something wrong. I really underestimated you."

Qin Zhirou looked at Qin Zhixi: "Don't spout blood, I didn't do anything, why should I blushed and my heart beat, I think it should be you who blushed and my heart beat."

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

"Okay, this is not a place to quarrel." The general manager spoke at this time, stopping the dispute between the two.

The office was quiet for a while before the general manager said again: "Whether Qin Zhixi's two witnesses are true or not, let's not say for now. Qin Zhirou, what evidence do you have that proves that you designed this work yourself."

Qin Zhirou's hand was clenched at a place beside her that no one else could see. The work was not hers in the first place, so how could she have any proof.She's going to bite the bullet right now.

"General manager, I don't need any evidence for my work. I keep this work a secret from everyone until it is released, so I don't have Qin Zhixi's witness. But it is really mine." Qin Zhirou's words were extremely sincere.

When things got to this point, neither Qin Zhixi nor Qin Zhirou would let go. Both of them insisted that they were the masters of the work, which made it a bit confusing.

But two people, one of them must have lied.

Qin Zhixi's two testimonies cannot be fully trusted, because in this circle, there are countless incidents of people trying to steal other people's designs, and they can think of any kind of method.

Just like what Qin Zhirou said, it happened that several people jointly said that a piece of work belonged to another person.

The general manager sent Wang Yiyi and Cheng away slowly.

He glanced at the manager standing aside again, raised his hand and beckoned her to come over.

The manager walked over immediately.

"What did you see?" the general manager asked the manager in a low voice.

The manager glanced at Qin Zhixi and Qin Zhirou each, and then said carefully, "I really can't tell. If I have to choose one, I still want to trust Qin Zhirou."

The general manager nodded expressionlessly, expressing his understanding, and made a gesture to make the manager back away a little.

"Since it is said that the work is yours, then each of you will talk about what inspired your design when designing this work." The general manager sat up straight and spoke majestically.

Design inspiration?Qin Zhirou's mind went blank.How did she know what the inspiration for that design came from!
"Qin Zhirou, speak first." The general manager didn't wait, and directly called Qin Zhirou to speak first.

Qin Zhirou was very conflicted in her heart, and walked over slowly.

Looking at the design draft on the general manager's desk, her face gradually turned pale.

"My design inspiration comes from—" Qin Zhirou said anxiously, but there was nothing in her mind, and her whole body broke out in a cold sweat: "It comes from the new simple style of 'Puppet Master'. The whole set of clothes is Very simple style. But there is also fashion and beauty in the simplicity.”

After hearing Qin Zhirou's answer, the general manager didn't show much expression, and then turned to Qin Zhixi to say, "Qin Zhixi, tell me about your design inspiration."

Qin Zhixi walked over, stared at the design draft on the desk, and began to slowly say: "My design inspiration is my mother's skirt. My mother is a woman with long hair who likes plain clothes. Her skirt basically has no What kind of tricks, but she is a very temperamental woman, even in plain clothes, she can still wear charm."

"Many of her skirts are not slim. At that time, when I was little, I looked at my mother and thought, the waist of the skirt on her should be thinner. The sleeves of that one would be smaller. Then A round neckline would look better. So, I designed this dress with the cut that I felt was the best fit."

(End of this chapter)

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