Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 105 Can't Do It

Chapter 105 Can't Do It
Qin Zhixi took several steps back before she managed to stabilize her body so that she didn't fall down.

Because of the shaking, Qin Zhixi's neat long hair became a little messy.

Seeing Qin Zhixi's embarrassed look, Qin Zhirou sneered across the corner of her mouth.deserve it.See if you dare to fight against me.

However, the general manager stood up from the office chair when Qin Zhixi retreated.

"Are you okay?" After Qin Zhixi stood firm, she saw the general manager asking herself worriedly.The concern in those eyes was obvious.

Qin Zhixi's strong sense of injustice just now dissipated a lot after being asked by the general manager.

She shook her head: "It's okay." What she can't stand the most is other people's concern.

Looking at Qin Zhixi's lowered eyebrows, the general manager was even more sure that this girl would not lie.

However, he is not easy to touch Qin Zhirou now.With a sigh in his heart, the general manager said:
"Xiao Qin, you go back first, and I will definitely give you an answer." The tone was very solemn.

Qin Zhixi never thought that the general manager would tell her about this matter so solemnly.He raised his head and looked at the general manager in a daze.

"General manager." Qin Zhixi looked at it, remembered something, and called someone first: "The day I showed the design draft to my colleagues was at work. The office where we work is equipped with monitors. I want to take a look." Monitor, everything will come to light."

Qin Zhixi's words were like a bomb.The office was suddenly so quiet that only the sound of breathing could be heard.

Qin Zhirou's face turned red and then pale, what!Qin Zhixi has another trick: surveillance.

Every office of 'Chu Yuan' has surveillance cameras, and the scope of surveillance is also very wide, basically every corner can be seen.This is also a major feature of 'First Edge'.

Now that there is surveillance, seeing that the matter must be revealed, Qin Zhirou twisted her two fingers tangled in front of her body.

Qin Zhirou kept thinking about the impact that the surveillance would have if it was made public. Qin Zhirou couldn't take it lightly.

"I have something to say." Finally, Qin Zhirou couldn't hold back her breath.

As soon as her words came out, several eyes in the office shot over.

Qin Zhirou was a little uncomfortable, but thinking that the general manager didn't expose her just now, she gained some momentum.

"The design draft is indeed not mine."

"But, so what if it's not mine. I'm Miss Qin's. Whatever I want is mine."

"It's enough for those of us present to know about this matter. I hope everyone can keep it a secret." When Qin Zhirou spoke, she walked back and forth in the office, completely in the gesture of giving orders.

The general manager didn't speak the whole time, quietly waiting for Qin Zhirou to finish speaking.

"Miss Qin, what do you mean by this?" The general manager asked simply, with no apparent emotion.

When Qin Zhixi heard this, her heart started to feel cold. Are these people Qin Zhirou's people?Then everything she did, everything, was a joke.So her work became Qin Zhirou's work?hehe
"General manager, what I mean is very simple, that is, everyone doesn't need to do anything." Qin Zhirou grinned triumphantly.It means that this No.1 work is still hers, making everyone act as if nothing happened.

After hearing Qin Zhirou's words, the general manager smiled.

Qin Zhirou also laughed.His eyes glanced at Qin Zhixi, and he did not cut his eyes.Qin Zhixi fights with me, you are still far behind.

"Then what if I can't do it." The general manager said in a deep voice with a smile on his face, but his words had another meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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