Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 109 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 109 Meeting in a narrow road

The next day, in the company, colleagues were discussing the bulletin board.

Seeing Qin Zhixi coming.The people in the office stopped discussing and looked at Qin Zhixi.

Qin Zhixi returned a calm smile to them, then walked towards her desk, pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Zhixi, have you seen the announcement?" Wang Yiyi ran over from the army of people talking, pulled Qin Zhixi and asked.

Qin Zhixi glanced at Wang Yiyi: "I see."

Wang Yiyi's round eyes widened wider and rounder: "Then why are you so calm?"

Wang Yiyi knew about the design draft. When the ranking was announced yesterday, she came to tell Qin Zhixi that her work was replaced by Qin Zhirou's name.

And yesterday she and Cheng Huanxuan were called into the general manager's office for questioning. It can be said that she understood the whole incident clearly.

Qin Zhixi finally got her work back.

She was very happy for Qin Zhixi, but why was Qin Zhixi so calm.

"If it were me, I would definitely be overjoyed." Qin Zhixi's calmness did not affect Wang Yiyi's happiness for her.

"Hmph, now everyone in the company knows about it and is discussing it. That Qin Zhirou really deserves it. Usually, she walks around in the company relying on being the daughter of the Qin family. Many people can't understand her Yes. She even stole your work this time. It’s true that evil people get evil. Now she still has the face to stay in 'Chu Yuan'?"

Listening to Wang Yiyi's thoughts, Qin Zhixi was a little funny: "You have such a big prejudice against her." She had prejudice against Qin Zhirou because Qin Zhirou deliberately fought against her everywhere.Wang Yiyi and Qin Zhirou shouldn't have much in common.

"Hehe, I just heard what they said. Anyway, every time I pass by Qin Zhirou, she always gives people a feeling that she is superior. I really don't like the way she looks at people. She thinks she's Who is it that made me so special."

"It's time for work, don't gossip." The general manager walked in from the outside, walked towards his office, and said to everyone in the work area.

Still discussing, the people who chatted dispersed.

Wang Yiyi stuck out his tongue at Qin Zhixi: "Old witch." Then he also returned to his office.

Qin Zhixi smiled lightly, and whispered, "Old witch".Then it went to work.

After lunch at noon, when returning to the office, Qin Zhixi unexpectedly met Qin Zhirou at the entrance of the elevator.

The elevator has just gone up, and it will take two to three minutes to get down.

Although Qin Zhirou was involved in the theft of works, she still had a lot of little followers around her.

Qin Zhirou led a few people and stood at the No. [-] elevator entrance, while Qin Zhixi and her colleague Wang Yiyi stood at the No. [-] elevator exit.

Wang Yiyi, who was joking and laughing at first, immediately became quiet when he saw Qin Zhirou.Silently standing in the same row as Qin Zhixi.

Qin Zhirou glanced at Qin Zhixi, rolled her eyes, and looked at the elevator again.

"Qin Zhirou's complexion is really much worse today than in the past few days! You just saw her face is pale." While everyone was waiting for the elevator, the voices of discussion were getting closer.

"I saw it too, she deserves it! Who told her to steal Qin Zhixi's works. Although she is the daughter of the Qin family, what's the matter?" The person who answered the conversation, saw his friend talking in the middle of the conversation. blink.

Then, in the blink of an eye, that person saw Qin Zhirou and Qin Zhixi standing at the elevator door.The man opened his mouth in shock.The two people they were talking about were actually here.Didn't what I said just now fell into their ears?

(End of this chapter)

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