Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 111 Do It Yourself

Chapter 111 Do It Yourself
Once Wang Yiyi's words came out, it could be regarded as a powerful rectification of Qin Zhixi's name, and Wang Yiyi saw it with his own eyes.

At this time, everyone's psychology also has their own judgment.

Qin Zhirou obviously misled them by saying something deliberately because she was feeling uncomfortable, in order to make Qin Zhixi a target of public criticism.

However, due to Qin Zhirou's status, everyone still dare not despise Qin Zhirou.

Because if Qin Zhirou wanted to deal with them, it would be as easy as pie.

The two people who talked about Qin Zhirou just now dared not say anything.

Most of their discussions were only dared to discuss in private, it was really surprising that Qin Zhirou heard it just now.They were worried about whether Qin Zhirou would retaliate against them, and they simply didn't have the mind to take care of the current affairs.

"Hmph, what did you see? You just saw her come out of the general manager's office. With clairvoyant eyes, can you see that they are not doing anything else in the office?" Qin Zhirou saw the way people around her looked at her, although Those people didn't say anything, but they obviously believed Qin Zhixi and didn't believe her.Qin Zhirou was in a hurry.Said fiercely.

Because of her excitement, she couldn't help raising her voice a few degrees. Some people passing by in the corridor couldn't help but look over when they heard the voice.

Qin Zhixi frowned: "Qin Zhirou, why are your thoughts so obscene?"

Qin Zhixi was really angry this time, she stared wide-eyed, and looked at Qin Zhirou coldly: "You are that kind of person, don't think that everyone in the world is like you." She sneered back.

Sarcasm, hurting people with words, it's not that she doesn't understand, it's not that she can't, she just doesn't like it, but Qin Zhirou really went too far today.

"You..." Qin Zhirou became even more angry when she heard this, and Qin Zhixi actually said that she was that kind of person.She raised her hand, just wanting to slap Qin Zhixi.

Before the slap fell, Qin Zhixi grabbed Qin Zhirou's wrist.The other hand was raised, and it was about to call towards Qin Zhirou's face.



The onlookers couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the sudden sword tension.One by one, they stretched their necks even more, watching the show.

Qin Zhixi's hand didn't really touch Qin Zhirou's face.

The elevator entrance on the first floor of 'Chu Yuan'.

Qin Zhixi opened her eyes wide, staring straight at Qin Zhirou with sharp eyes.One of her hands held Qin Zhirou's arm, and the other was raised in mid-air.

Qin Zhirou thought that Qin Zhixi would hit her, so she closed her eyes, but after waiting for a long time, the expected pain didn't come, so she opened her eyes slightly.

He saw Qin Zhixi staring at her with scarlet eyes, her eyes indifferent.For some reason, there seemed to be such a powerful aura emanating from Qin Zhixi that Qin Zhirou didn't dare to look at Qin Zhixi.

"I won't hit you." Seeing Qin Zhirou open her eyes, Qin Zhixi said.

"Violence can't solve the problem. It's something that the weak can't find a way to do." Qin Zhixi said word by word.

Qin Zhirou didn't want to meet Qin Zhixi's gaze, and twisted her wrist, trying to get out of Qin Zhixi's control.

"Ding dong." The elevator door opened.

"Qin Zhirou, take care of yourself." After speaking, Qin Zhixi let go of Qin Zhirou's wrist.

Qin Zhirou immediately took two steps back, then looked at Qin Zhixi with lingering fear,
However, Qin Zhixi stopped looking at Qin Zhirou, entered the elevator with Wang Yiyi, and left the first floor.

(End of this chapter)

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