Chapter 113
Amid Wang Yiyi's resentment that the person who came was not the big boss, Qin Zhixi sorted out the things in her area happily.

Not long after, the manager came out of the office.

The chatter and discussion in the office suddenly became much quieter.

The manager stopped in the corridor and said to everyone: "The inspectors have arrived, please tidy up quickly and return to work."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at it twice, and quickly walked out of the second design department.

"It's coming so soon!" Wang Yiyi was still talking about it, but when he heard the manager's words, he immediately became nervous, exclaimed, and turned around to tidy up his area quickly.

Then in the whole office, everyone who was chatting and discussing stopped talking, and moved faster to clean up.

Qin Zhixi is usually a girl who pays attention to cleanliness and hygiene, and there is nothing special to tidy up in her area, so, soon, Qin Zhixi finished tidying up and sat down.

Qin Zhixi was sitting on the office chair, most of the people were still busy, especially Wang Yiyi, she was just talking, and she didn't start to tidy up until the manager came out.

"Do you want to help?" Qin Zhixi asked Wang Yiyi kindly.

"I really need it." Wang Yiyi raised his head and looked at Qin Zhixi eagerly.

"Bring it."


The areas to which everyone belongs have been sorted out, and the files on each desk are neatly arranged color by color.

Everyone sat in the office chairs, and within 5 minutes, the door of the second design department was pushed open.

The first person to come in was the manager. After the manager came in, he stood aside, gestured enthusiastically to welcome in, and said, "This is the second design department."

Then came in a middle-aged man with a serious face in a black suit and black-rimmed glasses.

Immediately behind is the general manager of the design department.The general manager also had a smile on his face.

Not only Qin Zhixi was secretly looking at the door, but everyone in the office was peeking cautiously.

Everyone is curious.

The person inspected by the 'Jingmao Group' walked in the office in silence with a cold face, and the manager followed him all the way, introducing the current situation of 'Chu Yuan'.However, the inspector basically didn't answer the phone, and only heard the voice of the manager alone.

Even so, the manager kept introducing.The person here is Luo Yi, the assistant to the president of the 'Jingmao Group'!Luo Yi is someone who follows the president every day, how dare she neglect her.

"Assistant Luo, why don't you come and sit in my office and have a sip of tea first." After walking around the office, the general manager who was standing at the door immediately suggested after seeing that the walk was over.

"En." Luo Yi finally responded when he heard this.

Seeing this, the manager hurriedly took Luo Yi to his office.

"Wow, this treatment is really good." Wang Yiyi couldn't help sighing as the inspectors, managers, and general managers all entered the office.

Although the manager and the others had all entered the office, there were inspectors present, so everyone still dared not whisper to each other, and the office quickly returned to silence.

"Qin Zhixi, come in." The door of the manager's office was pushed open again within 3 minutes after it was closed, and the manager walked out with a sad expression.He shouted towards Qin Zhixi's position at the door.

Qin Zhixi got up in surprise, and walked towards the manager's office, wondering how to call her!

(End of this chapter)

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