Chapter 157
"What?" Swallow Die raised her voice when she heard the hotel staff's explanation.

"This place at the Molde Hotel, I made a reservation early in the morning, and now you want to drive me away!"

"I'm really sorry, Ms. Sacred Butterfly." The hotel staff didn't evade, and there was nothing he could do about what the higher-ups told him!He could only endure the overwhelming anger of Swallow Die and said.

"You, do you still want to do business? Do you know who I am, not to mention the place I booked early in the morning? The daughter of Fengwu Group, you actually drove me away. You are not afraid that I will let my father's business partners Are you not coming to your place?" Savior Die was furious.It's been arranged long ago, but now they are actually driven away.Today is her engagement ceremony!She still has so many guests, what a joke it is to spread this matter!
"That's right! It's already fixed, how can you suddenly drive people away?"

"Okay, what's the matter?"

When the guests at the scene heard this, some people came out to chime in.

"Miss Fengdie, I'm sorry, even if your father is here, we can only say sorry." The hotel staff didn't care what these people said, just said to Fengdie.

"Slap." Fengdie heard the hotel staff's words in a hurry, raised her hand and slapped the hotel staff: "How dare you treat me like this."

The sound of that slap was particularly loud, and the banquet fell silent for a while.

The hotel waiter's face was turned to one side by Swallow Die's slap, and a red mark could be seen on his left cheek.

Looking at it, it hurts a little.For a while, the person who helped Fengdie to speak just now stopped speaking.

In fact, the waiter is just a waiter. It's a bit too much to hit someone.

"Swallow Die." Seeing this, Han Minglang stepped forward and hugged Swallow Die who was angry and wanted to hit someone. "Calm down."

What Han Minglang thought was: there are still so many people watching, how could Swallow Die look like this.It's so embarrassing.

"We have already decided to hold an engagement ceremony here today, do we really have to go?" Han Minglang controlled the Swallow Die, and asked the hotel staff while maintaining his demeanor.

"Yes." The hotel service staff turned his head, and his eyes were a little more impatient now.

After finishing speaking, the hotel service staff turned their heads to look at the crowd, and said loudly to them: "Everyone, there are distinguished guests from Molde Hotel who booked the whole audience today. I'm sorry, please leave. If you don't want to leave, we can only I personally invite you to leave." The words were addressed to everyone, but everyone knew that Feng Die had heard those words.

"Hey, let's go."

"Let's go, let's go." The people who had stopped just now began to walk towards the entrance of the banquet one after another.

"Hey, what an important guest! Let us all go out."

"Did the two newlyweds offend someone? They were kicked out of the hotel during the engagement ceremony."

Qin Zhixi listened to the discussions of the people around her, she reluctantly glanced at it before picking up the snacks on the plate.Why did you suddenly drive people away!She's also going to have a little snack.

Hey, looking at those snacks, Qin Zhixi sighed in her heart, forget it, she had no choice but to stop eating. .She put down the plate in her hand, followed the pace of those people, and was about to walk towards the entrance of the banquet.

"Zhixi." As soon as she took two steps, Xiao Xiao grabbed her wrist.

"En?" Qin Zhixi stopped and looked back at Xiao Xiao with puzzled eyes.

"We don't need to go out." Xiao Xiao looked at Qin Zhixi and raised her eyebrows.Very smug smile.


"Yes, Miss Qin, you and Miss Xiao Xiao don't need to go out." Qin Zhixi heard Xiao Xiao's words, and when she was about to give Xiao Xiao a blank stare, a hotel waiter walked by and said.

 Thank you Zhixia}Wei Liang for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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