Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 164 The Little Goldfish Sent by Han Minglang

Chapter 164 The Little Goldfish Sent by Han Minglang

Pfft, Xiao Xiao actually thought that breakfast was made for her!
Qin Zhixi originally thought that everything would be exposed.At this moment, upon hearing Xiao Xiao's words, Qin Zhixi was stunned.

It took a full ten seconds before she realized that she hadn't been exposed yet.

"Ah, it's okay, just forget about losing weight. I'll put it away." Qin Zhixi immediately followed Xiao Xiao's words.Then walk to the table.Quickly put away the breakfast that Li Yuanchen had eaten a bit.

"En." Xiao Xiao didn't notice Qin Zhixi's unnaturalness at all. She came so early, but there was news to share with Qin Zhixi. She walked to the dining table, found a place to sit down casually, and then took out the cell phone.

"Zhixi, I think you must not look at Moments yet." Xiao Xiao asked Qin Zhixi while flicking her finger on the screen.

After Qin Zhixi put away Li Yuanchen's breakfast, she breathed a sigh of relief.She just sat down, and immediately shook her head when she heard Xiao Xiao's words.

"No, what's wrong?"

Qin Zhixi just woke up when she smelled the aroma of breakfast, where would she have time to look at Moments?If it wasn't for the smell of breakfast, she would probably still be sleeping in bed now.

When Xiao Xiao heard Qin Zhixi's words, the corners of her lips curled up in a clear arc, and she knew it.The finger didn't stop to swipe to the phone screen, and after a while, Xiao Xiao's eyes lighted up slightly, and the movement of finger to swipe the phone screen also stopped.

"Zhixi, look at this." Xiao Xiao tapped the phone screen, then held the screen in front of Qin Zhixi, facing Qin Zhixi for her to see the screen.

What Xiao Xiao showed her was a photo.In the photo is the swallowtail that was kicked out of the hotel yesterday.

In the photo, the Swallow's hair is a little messy, and the red lace skirt on her body is dirty on the ground. This is the picture of Swallowie outside the Molde Hotel.The whole photo looks like it can be described in two words.Embarrassed.

"Haha, I saw it. I don't know who took the picture. It's really good. This photo has been spread all over the circle of friends today. The Swallow Die held an engagement ceremony at the Molde Hotel yesterday, and was captured by the hotel's staff. Almost all the students knew about the expulsion. Feng Die was ashamed, but it was a big shame." Seeing that Qin Zhixi had seen it, Xiao Xiao immediately gossiped with Qin Zhixi.

Qin Zhixi focused her eyes on the photo, and the flustered Phoenix Die looked at it, then raised her eyes to look at Xiao Xiao for a moment: "Could it be you who took this photo?"

Xiao Xiao frowned: "How can this be me? I was on the elevator with you at the time, and I couldn't take a photo even if I wanted to! Moreover, from the angle of the photo, it is obvious that we are standing on the same horizontal line Ah." Immediately denied.

Qin Zhixi stared at the photo, nodded faintly, yes, Xiao Xiao was with her at that time, this must not be taken by Xiao Xiao.

"That can only show that Feng Die is really not attractive, and there are too many people who want to see her make a fool of herself." After confirming that the person who took this photo was someone else, Qin Zhixi came to such a judgment.

"Her look like I'm Miss Qianjin, you all look like poor people, everyone has long disliked it." Hearing what Qin Zhixi said, Xiao Xiao solemnly nodded, expressing her agreement, and then added another knife.

Qin Zhixi and Xiao Xiao smiled tacitly, and then the room fell into a brief silence.

"Zhixi, did you change your original small fish tank?" After chatting about the circle of friends.Xiao Xiao began to look carefully at Qin Zhixi's room.Looking at Qin Zhixi's bedroom, there was a big fish tank, so she walked over in surprise.

Qin Zhixi was eating breakfast, and looked up at the big fish tank: "That's right, the big fish tank has more fish and looks better." She quickly thought about the reason why the small fish tank was replaced by a big fish tank.

"The little goldfish that Han Minglang gave you, did you change it too?" Xiao Xiao walked to the side of the big fish tank, put his hand on the big fish tank, turned to look at Qin Zhixi, with a smirk flashing across his face: "That's good, put it in the fish tank." Throw away everything about him."

(End of this chapter)

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