Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 174 I Like Him

Chapter 174 I Like Him

Qin Zhixi's mood was somewhat complicated.Ever since she knew that Li Yuanchen was going to move out, she felt a little lost in her heart, and she was absent-minded all day today.

Then, on the way back from get off work just now, Qin Zhixi kept thinking about what was wrong with her, and after thinking about it, she got some clues: she seemed to be reluctant for him to leave.

Then, she thought about it further.Suddenly, Qin Zhixi was dumbfounded.

She seems... seems to like... Li Yuanchen! ?

Regarding this cognition, Qin Zhixi quickly interrupted her own train of thought, unable to think any further.How could she fall in love with Li Yuanchen!Even if you like it, it's useless!She and Li Yuanchen are different people, not in the same world at all,
Originally, thinking that Li Yuanchen had moved away, it would be the best. Since she didn't love him so deeply, the two of them should stop seeing each other frequently, and she should soon forget about it.

Now, the new house that Li Yuanchen is looking for is next door to her house in 203, is it really God's death for her!

Qin Zhixi knew that she was attracted to Li Yuanchen, so she always avoided Li Yuanchen on purpose.

At this moment, she suddenly touched Li Yuanchen's hand, and the two of them met each other's eyes, and her heartbeat increased several times.

Withdrawing her hand, Qin Zhixi hardly dared to look at Li Yuanchen, let alone pick up the red wine glass.

"Your red wine." After a while, Li Yuanchen put a glass of red wine by Qin Zhixi's arm.

"Thank you." Qin Zhixi only looked at his arm and nodded.They didn't even dare to look up at him.

Li Yuanchen stared at Qin Zhixi condescendingly, the corners of his lips curled up in a triumphant arc.When Qin Zhixi took the red wine glass just now, he deliberately turned his hand away to let Qin Zhixi grab his hand.

He noticed Qin Zhixi's subtle movements, and she was obviously different from when she first faced him.She would be ashamed to face him.The time for him to break through the city may be advanced.

With this discovery, Li Yuanchen was in a very good mood, and felt particularly comfortable after eating a meal.

Qin Zhixi was different, she knew that she was interested in Li Yuanchen, she didn't dare to cast her eyes randomly during a meal, she was afraid of meeting Li Yuanchen's gaze.

Xiao Xiao was completely drunk.Yes, drunk.

"Zhixi, let's drink again." At this moment, Xiao Xiao was dizzy and wanted to stand up, shouting that he wanted to drink more.

Qin Zhixi had a headache, this girl said the red wine was delicious, so she kept drinking it, and now she's better, she got drunk.

"Well, it's nothing, we're leaving first." Qin Zhixi took care of Xiao Xiao, supporting Xiao Xiao's body so that she wouldn't fall to the ground.Said to Li Yuanchen.

"Also, you are welcome to live on the second floor of Hehua Community."

Li Yuanchen sat on the dining table and chairs, the furniture was very simple, but he felt a sense of luxury while sitting there.This is a man who is naturally domineering.

Li Yuanchen stood up from the chair: "I'll send Xiao Xiao back."

Qin Zhixi lowered her head and glanced at Xiao Xiao, who was nowhere to be found, and then at Li Yuanchen: "Xiao Xiao can stay at my place tonight."

"Alright." The man obviously paused, and then said: "I'll move her there for you." After saying that, he walked over and hugged Xiao Xiao up.

Li Yuanchen hugged Xiao Xiao up, and Qin Zhixi was a little dazed watching this sudden scene.

"Go and open the door." Li Yuanchen hugged Xiao Xiao and took two steps, but found that Qin Zhixi hadn't followed, and turned back to look at Qin Zhixi who was standing there.

(End of this chapter)

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