Chapter 180
After a short pause, Qin Zhixi came to her senses, and immediately got out of the car door that Li Yuanchen opened.

I don't know if it was because of nervousness or bad luck, but when Qin Zhixi stepped on the ground with one foot, and then raised the other foot, her center of gravity suddenly became unstable.

"Ah!" The high-heeled shoes Qin Zhixi wore were the stiletto-heeled kind. It was really difficult to keep her balance in this kind of shoes. She swayed from side to side a few times, but she still couldn't stand stably in the end.Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, Qin Zhixi subconsciously exclaimed.

However, after a while, there was no expected pain.

Another two seconds later, Qin Zhixi's eyes, which had been closed tightly because of fear, slowly opened.

In the eyes, it is a face with fair skin and perfect features.There is also a pair of deep and beautiful eyes.

Qin Zhixi blinked her eyes.After being stunned for a full three seconds, he came back to his senses.Then her beautiful eyes widened in an instant.

Around her waist was Li Yuanchen's powerful arm.She almost fell down, but Li Yuanchen saved her.

And her hand, at some point, had hooked Li Yuanchen's neck!At this moment, the tip of her nose was only one fist away from touching Li Yuanchen's.

"Wow, I saw someone throwing dog food as soon as I got to work." An employee from 'Chu Yuan' passed by them and joked.

Qin Zhixi's face turned red instantly, and the hand that was hooking Li Yuanchen's neck was released immediately, and she took a step back, opening the distance between the two of them.

But after taking a step back, Li Yuanchen's small black car was behind him, and he couldn't move back.

Li Yuanchen saw Qin Zhixi's actions in his eyes, she was so cute like this.

Li Yuanchen couldn't help but took a step forward, bringing the distance between the two closer again.

"What are you doing?" Qin Zhixi took a step back, then turned her head to look around, hoping that the scene just now had not been seen by too many people.Suddenly, feeling a tall figure approaching again, Qin Zhixi turned her head straight, staring nervously at Li Yuanchen who was close at hand and asked.

Li Yuanchen's approach not only brought her closer to Qin Zhixi, but also brought a strong sense of oppression. Qin Zhixi couldn't help but wanted to back up again, but Li Yuanchen's black car was behind her, and if there was no way out, she would be in a hurry. Attached to the black car.

What is he doing!This is the entrance of her company's 'Chu Yuan' building, why is he so close to her!Didn't you hear that someone who walked past just now was making fun of them?
It's indecent, it's indecent.

Qin Zhixi glared at Li Yuanchen angrily, and wanted to warn him with her eyes to keep him away from her, but instead of understanding her signal, Li Yuanchen raised his hand towards her face.

Qin Zhixi looked at Li Yuanchen's slender fingers stretched out towards her, and gasped for breath. What does he, he, he, want?She wanted to push him away, to open his hand, but at this moment, Qin Zhixi somehow froze, as if her hands and feet didn't belong to her anymore.

That slender hand reached out to Qin Zhixi's cheek, Qin Zhixi could only stare with wide eyes.

However, there was no warmth from Qin Zhixi's fingers coming from her cheeks.

"Hair is loose." Li Yuanchen stretched out his hand, but just brushed the few strands of hair that Qin Zhixi fell off when she almost fell just now, behind her ears, then put down her hand, and took two steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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