Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 189 You Are So Pleasant

Chapter 189 You Are So Pleasant

"How old are you?" Qin Zhixi felt a little sweet and flustered, but also a little impulsive.

She can't wait to be happy!

"Three years older than you." Li Yuanchen stopped his skillful rubbing movements, and looked up at Qin Zhixi.Although she didn't know why Qin Zhixi asked this, she answered it anyway.

Qin Zhixi also looked back at him generously.And looked him up and down.

He has a handsome appearance, a dignified temperament, a magnetic voice, and long legs. When she was picked up by him today, she definitely felt that he really had hard muscles.

He just happened to be 3 years older than her!The age is really not too appropriate.Such a high-quality man, can you actually grasp it?
Hands are fast, hands are slow!

"I am 1.6 meters tall, with fair skin, double eyelids, good health, and self-sufficient work. I think you are very pleasing to the eye. Do we want to..."


Qin Zhixi was full of excitement and fighting spirit, and wanted to take the initiative to attack.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of crackling and smashing things.

The room was originally very quiet, except for Qin Zhixi's voice. Now, the room was completely silent.

"Well, I broke a water glass and my hand slipped." The voice came from the kitchen, and three seconds later, Xiao Xiao came out of the kitchen.Facing the two people on the sofa, he said with a guilty conscience.

"I'll clean it up right away." After saying that, Xiao Xiao hurriedly returned to the kitchen.

Qin Zhixi didn't speak, turned her gaze back, and looked at Li Yuanchen again.The impulse and passion just now, and being frightened by the sound just now, have all dissipated.

Qin Zhixi looked away, feeling extremely embarrassed, what did she want to do just now!
"It's pretty pleasing to the eye, and then?" Li Yuanchen's dark eyes were locked on Qin Zhixi's body, looking at her expectantly.

Qin Zhixi heard that it was very pleasing to the eye, so she stood up excitedly from the sofa, limped and ran quickly to the kitchen, and said while still outside: "Xiao Xiao, don't worry about the cup, show me my new idea. design diagram."

Xiao Xiao was sweeping the broken glass on the ground with a broom, and when she saw Qin Zhixi coming in, she was afraid that Qin Zhixi would step on the broken glass, so she immediately made a stop gesture to Qin Zhixi: "Wait a minute, I'll talk about it after sweeping."

Qin Zhixi stood at the door, unable to go in, and did not dare to turn her head. Regarding the thoughts she had just confessed to Li Yuanchen, Qin Zhixi now only felt that she was really obsessed and impulsive.

Leaving aside whether Li Yuanchen likes her or not, let's say that the two have only known each other for half a month. Although they live in the same community and on the same floor, she really doesn't know Li Yuanchen enough at all.She only knew that Li Yuanchen was a cowherd.

Pfft, when it comes to Li Yuanchen's occupation, it's even a big question.

It can only prove that she must have been tempted by Li Yuanchen's beauty just now.

Silence spread in the room, only the sound of Xiao Xiao sweeping the broken glass was heard.There was also the sound of broken glass and iron pans rubbing against each other.

"Okay." Xiao Xiao cleaned up the glass on the ground, and came out with a broom and a dustpan.

"I'll go downstairs and pour these out." Xiao Xiao walked to the door and said to Qin Zhixi.

Xiao Xiao wanted to go downstairs to take out the garbage, so he wanted to go out.Li Yuanchen was still there, she didn't leave, she went out, wouldn't there be only two people left in that room, she and Li Yuanchen. "I'll go." Qin Zhixi shouted suddenly, she couldn't let herself be alone with Li Yuanchen!
(End of this chapter)

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