Mr. Li, get the certificate

Chapter 192 Disappearing

Chapter 192 Disappearing
After that day, Li Yuanchen never visited him again.

Xiao Xiao is really a good best friend, and he ordered takeout for her every day at noon, so that Qin Zhixi didn't have to worry about three meals a day.After she got off work, she came to visit her regularly.

Time slipped away day by day, until three days passed, Qin Zhixi returned to the company to continue working, Li Yuanchen never showed up once.

Every time Qin Zhixi thought of this, she couldn't help gnashing her teeth.This bastard just disappeared.Made her mood messed up, it was hard to calm down, but he suddenly disappeared!
In the past few days, Qin Zhixi has lost interest in everything and can't arouse her interest.With such a listless look, colleagues all suspected that Qin Zhixi had some kind of illness.

Faced with the concern of her colleagues, Qin Zhixi waved her hand helplessly to express that she was not sick.

What kind of illness can she have? She has something on her mind.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, when she got off work on time, Qin Zhixi packed her things and took the elevator downstairs to go home.

Coincidentally, Qin Zhirou was wearing an elegant professional suit, and she was also standing at the elevator door waiting for the elevator.

Qin Zhixi walked over and stood beside Qin Zhirou.

Qin Zhixi lowered her head absent-mindedly, and did not look at Qin Zhirou, but Qin Zhirou secretly looked at Qin Zhixi with her eyes.

"Ding dong..." The elevator arrived soon.Qin Zhixi raised her head and subconsciously walked in.

Qin Zhirou was still thinking about the embarrassment that Qin Zhixi had made her the previous two times. When entering the elevator, she purposely moved to Qin Zhixi's side, and then stretched out her foot to trip Qin Zhixi.

"Ah!" Qin Zhixi just stepped into the elevator with her front foot, when her back foot was caught by Qin Zhirou's foot, she suddenly lost her balance and fell forward.Then, the person in front of her, being pressed by her gravity, also fell forward.There was a small chaos in the whole elevator.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

Fortunately, there were many people in the elevator, and everyone was crowded together, so no one fell down.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." After Qin Zhixi stabilized her body, her thoughts turned a little bit, and she immediately stood up straight again, apologizing to the people in the elevator again and again.

Qin Zhirou was still standing outside the elevator at this moment, looking at Qin Zhixi's apologetic expression, the corners of her lips curled up in satisfaction.

"Oh, it's a good thing I haven't gotten into the elevator yet. How can I walk without looking at the road!" Qin Zhirou quickly covered up her complacency, opened her mouth wide, and stared at Qin Zhixi in horror.

Deliberately accusing the people in the elevator.

"That's right! Luckily, it's off-duty time, so no one took anything." Once one person criticized, others soon followed suit.

Qin Zhixi turned her head, looked coldly at the elevator door, and glared at Qin Zhirou sternly.

Just now, it was Qin Zhirou's foot that tripped her.

Qin Zhirou at the elevator door suddenly felt chilly. It wasn't the first time she made small moves to tease Qin Zhixi, and it wasn't the first time Qin Zhixi found out.But!Today was the first time she felt guilty when she was looked at by Qin Zhixi's eyes.

Qin Zhirou unconsciously took two steps back, Qin Zhixi's eyes were too cold.

Qin Zhixi was in a bad mood these two days, and she didn't have the heart to deal with Qin Zhirou. Even though she knew that it was Qin Zhirou who tripped her up, she didn't have the slightest intention to find Qin Zhirou out.

After staring at Qin Zhirou coldly for a while, Qin Zhixi turned her gaze away. She has been feeling irritable for the past few days, and now she really doesn't have the energy to explain too much.

"Sorry, I'll pay attention next time." Therefore, Qin Zhixi didn't bother to say much, and apologized directly to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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