227 Chapter 1 The Love Is Here ([-])
And Roser still chose the meat.After taking a big bite, I closed my eyes again and rested.

On the third day, except for a few people, all the people began to be unable to resist hunger and ate vegetables.

On the fourth day, the same is true.Although the vegetables are raw, compared to the meat, everyone would rather choose to eat these tasteless vegetables here like chewing grass.

By the fifth day, the food was running out.Some are even corrupted.And there is very little water left.

Only then did everyone realize what kind of environment they were in now.If you want to survive, you must survive here for ten days.This also means that under the premise of limited food, one of them must die.

For food, in order to live, they have to kill each other.

This is the purpose of the organization, so that they can be eliminated by themselves and the fittest will survive.

At this time, no one went to get food, and all the people kept the most sensitive state, carefully paying attention to their surroundings.No one wants to be that early bird.

It was Rosser again, the first to go over, took the food, and ate.She didn't even look at those people who were ready to go, as if in her eyes, there was no difference between them and those corpses.

It's not that she is arrogant, but that she really has this strength.Rosser, in the entire training base of the organization, there is no one who does not know her name.From entering the base and beginning to receive training, she has become the endorsement of the strongest among all the students.

As for himself, after he couldn't bear the burning pain in his stomach, he also stood up and became the second person to fetch food.

I don't know what I was thinking at the time, after taking the food, I sat down beside Rosser.

She is strong, everyone knows that.

"Stay away from me." The girl's cold voice sounded, and she said without raising her head.

"Why?" asked himself at the time.

"I won't protect you." The girl continued.

My mind was punctured, but I didn't walk away at that time. The stubbornness and pride in my bones made me say: "No need, I will protect myself!" It's true that she is strong, but she is not weak either.In every confrontation, her own name, Luo Qin, is only ranked behind her.Moreover, in some respects, he even surpassed her and occupied the No.1 position.

After the words were finished, the girl who kept her head down turned her head and took a deep look at herself. The meaning in her eyes was hard to understand.

On the sixth day, the real test came.

Almost as if they had discussed it, everyone opened their eyes at the same time. After a moment of silence, they rushed towards the target they had chosen.

Without weapons, the body becomes the best weapon.

With one punch, one palm, one leg and one claw, they all attacked the opponent fiercely.Everyone who trained together in the past, now, is like an enemy, and must be separated to live or die.At this moment, they are fighting for their lives.

Because of his and Rosser's skills, they are the most powerful here, and the two of them are sitting together.So at the beginning, when they saw that they and Roser were just sitting and had no intention of making a move, everyone automatically ignored them.

On this day, thirteen people died.

On the seventh day, someone finally targeted the two of them.And, not one or two, but a group.

The five girls formed a group, reached some agreement, and wanted to kill the two of them together.

In their view, the two of them are the most powerful, and if they fight alone, they will surely die.Therefore, they had to join forces, kill the two of them, and then fight their own way. Only in this way would they have a chance of survival.

When the attack came, he and Roser jumped up at the same time.

Different from her changeable and weird skills, her attacks are simple to straightforward.

The slender and powerful hand reached directly towards the opponent's neck, and with a twist, a life was ended.

Within an hour, all five people were killed.

"You are very good." Rosser raised his head and said to himself.

"You too." He smiled at her at the time.For some reason, I had a feeling that being with this girl was very safe.

Five people were killed, plus the 13 people who died yesterday, there were only ten people left alive except for himself and Roser.

Those ten people seemed to be afraid of the two of them, they kept looking at the two of them, and they didn't make any moves, the two sides were in a stalemate.

until night.

The food, those vegetables were gone long ago, the meat was gone, and the water was gone even on the sixth day.What was left was the compressed biscuits that everyone was afraid to eat because they were afraid of thirst, but had no choice but to eat. Moreover, there were only two packs left.

Finally, someone couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

The person standing beside her pinched her neck without saying a word.

There are nine left.

Rosser walked over, looked at the two packs of compressed biscuits on the table, and then at the nine people opposite.

"Which one of you will come first?" She opened her mouth, her cold voice was like a hammer, hitting everyone's hearts hard.

Afterwards, I also asked her why she took the initiative to take action at that time, and she told herself that in fact, she couldn't last long, so she had to kill them for a quick victory.

"What about after killing them? Is it my turn?" I asked her at the time.

"Are you a pig?" Rosser sat on the sofa and looked at himself contemptuously, "Don't you have two packs of biscuits, one for you and one for me."

"Then you never thought of killing me at the beginning?" I asked reluctantly.

"No, I thought about it at first." Roser said, "But when I hear you say that you will protect yourself, I don't want to kill you. A person who can protect himself, no one has the right to take it from her. Take her life away!"

(End of this chapter)

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