Chapter 8 The Weird Wall

The moonlight was like silver, and everyone in the Kitano family had fallen asleep.Ming He was walking alone on the road, listening to the voice, carefully looking for where it came from.

Following the sound, Ming He came to the ancestral hall.She was afraid of being discovered by the elders who lived here, so she opened the ring of obscurity on her hand to hide her aura.Ming He learned from his memory that this Misty Ring is not only a storage ring with a huge storage space, but it can also hide a person's aura.After she entered the ancestral hall, she walked straight in, and after crossing the hall where the ancestral tablets were placed and the yard where the elders lived, Ming He saw a room.

This room is very strange, very big, but there are only doors and no windows, and it is bare all around.Ming He pushed the door open and went in and closed the door again, only to find that the voice came from a wall standing in the middle of the room.

Ming He walked a few steps, took out a night pearl from his bosom, and the pearl immediately lit up the whole room.Ming He stared at the wall. On the wall, a bird with wings spread was painted with red paint. The paint Ming He could tell was blood at a glance, and the bird must be the white phoenix, one of the four divine beasts.Ming He looked at the Bai Huang, and in a trance, she found that Bai Huang's eyes moved a little.Curious, I touched it.Who would have thought that Bai Huang in the picture was alive, stretching out his head and biting Ming He.Ming He only felt a pain in his fingertips, but he was bitten by the white phoenix.Startled, he backed away, but a huge suction force gushed out from the wall.Ming He resisted a few times, but was finally defeated and was sucked into the wall.

Although he already knew that this was a magical continent, Ming He was still a little scared at the moment.Because who would have thought that there could be such a world inside the wall?As if it was made of silver, it is all silvery white.Ming He looked at the empty silver world, unable to find a way out.Well, let's take a look inside.After making up his mind, Ming He walked in.As her finger was pecked by the white phoenix on the wall, blood flowed down and dripped to the ground. It was strange that the blood disappeared when it hit the ground.But Ming He didn't notice these things at the moment.

I don't know how long it was, but Ming He felt a little tired.She slowed down and continued walking forward.After walking for about half a day, Ming He saw a door.It would be strange for a door to suddenly appear in an empty world, but now there's nowhere to go but to push the door open.Ming He stood in front of the door, pushed lightly, and the door opened.

Ming He walked in, and after seeing everything in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but swear, "Who the hell is so wicked!"

There is no other reason why Ming He was so angry, but a maze appeared in front of her.Could it be that she, Ming He, is going to be trapped here?Absolutely impossible, she still has vengeance to avenge and a great life to live, how could she just give up.Isn't it just a maze, how can it be difficult to defeat her?She will definitely go out and see who is responsible for teasing her like this.

Ming He stood at the entrance of the maze, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.But the picture of the white phoenix on the wall suddenly appeared in his mind.Ming He felt as if he was standing on the tail of the white phoenix now, and the maze was built according to the picture of the white phoenix.With super strong memory, the picture of the white phoenix has already been deeply imprinted in Ming He's mind.Ming He walked forward quickly, with a smile on his lips.After about 5 minutes, Ming He walked out of the maze.

But what is this egg in front of him?Although it is beautiful and crystal clear, is it for yourself to eat?Thinking about it, Ming He stretched out his hand, and poked it in a strange way.

Immediately, silver light radiated everywhere.

The egg clings to Ming He's fingers and sucks her blood continuously, but Ming He pulls it back vigorously, but it has no effect at all.Seeing more and more of his own blood being sucked into the egg, Ming He quickly pulled out a dagger from his bosom and slashed at his sucked finger.

Before the knife fell, the heaven and earth contract suddenly descended and enveloped Minghe.Amidst the gorgeous silver, a voice resembling the sounds of heaven resounded.

"Tsk tsk, what a cruel girl."

Ming He heard the sound and looked at it, but this time it seemed like ten thousand years.It was a man dressed in white, his silver hair was scattered in the air, his eyebrows and the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and his purple eyes were staring at Minghe.Under the high bridge of the nose, the corners of the mouth are slightly curved with a slightly playful smile, and the color of the lips is dazzling.He stood there, but he looked like the bright moon high above in the night sky, noble and elegant but with a domineering aura that surpassed everything.

The best! The best!Ming He thought to himself, thinking that she had seen all kinds of people in her 20s, but this was the first time she saw such a handsome man, she couldn't help being a little stunned.

"How about my master, are you satisfied with me?" The man's nice voice sounded.

"Very satisfied. However, should you give me an explanation and sign a soul contract with me without authorization, I am very angry." Ming He said with a smile, but there was a slight chill in her eyes.

Damn it, he dared to make a contract with her without asking her wishes. It was the strongest soul contract.You must know that in the Divine Beast Continent, people who practice profound arts can increase their profound strength and combat power by contracting with profound beasts, but a person can only contract with one profound beast.When people defeat a mysterious beast, they can ask the animal trainer to tame the mysterious beast for them and sign a contract with the mysterious beast to become their master.The more advanced the contract signed with the mysterious beast, the more power the person and the mysterious beast will gain.But generally speaking, the most common master-servant contract is signed, that is, the master is still fine after the death of a mysterious beast, and a new contract with another mysterious beast can be made.However, there are also people who signed equal contracts with profound beasts in order to gain more profound strength. Although they are equal, people are still the masters of profound beasts.When the mysterious beast dies, the owner will only suffer injuries of varying degrees, ranging from mild to severe, but not fatal.After the injury is healed, it is also possible to re-sign a mysterious beast.But this soul contract, even though it gets the most profound energy, is that the master and the mysterious beast share their lives, and if either party dies, the other party will also be wiped out.There are not many people in the entire Xuanshou Continent who have signed such a contract.After all, for the vast majority of people, profound beasts are just more powerful animals, and they are also their scapegoats when they are in danger, so there is no need to share their lives with a beast for the sake of profound strength.

(End of this chapter)

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