The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 113 The Lantern Meeting Was Assassinated

Chapter 113 The Lantern Meeting Was Assassinated
Yingfeng Building.

When Yun Qing arrived at Yingfeng Tower, Su Wanyan said that Feng Qingluan had already been waiting there.

"Sister Qing, why did you come here?" Upon seeing Yun Qing, Feng Qingluan jumped up from her seat, and some complained that Yun Qing came so late.

"I was delayed by something on the way." Yun Qing said softly.

The two just wanted to ask what happened on the road. At this time, Xiaoxiao also rushed over, holding the moon cake she had prepared.

"I made this with my own hands, two sisters, try it." Yun Qing took it from Xiaoxiao's hand and changed the topic.Obviously, he didn't want to tell them what happened just now, and made them worry.

"You did it." Feng Qingluan took it.She happens to be hungry now too.One look at this thing whets one's appetite.

"Yeah, try it and see if it tastes good." Yun Qing said with a smile.

"Sister Qing made it by herself, so I have to taste it seriously." Feng Qingluan couldn't wait to pick up a piece, and took a big bite.That bite was fast and urgent, and he almost choked.

"Slow down, no one will fight you." Su Wanyan couldn't help being a little amused.He handed over a glass of water and said, "Drink quickly."

Feng Qingluan took a sip of water, and when she recovered, she patted her head in embarrassment and said, "I'm hungry! I'm in a hurry to eat."

"Sister Feng is hungry, so I quickly asked Xiaoer to serve food. After eating, let's go to the lantern festival." Yun Qing said.

While waiting for Xiaoer to serve, Feng Qingluan directly hugged the bag of mooncakes and ate the grease stains with relish.When he was full, he touched his bulging belly.

When the lights first come on, the whole street is already hung with red lights. At this time, the men and women passing by on the street are holding a gorgeous lamp in their hands. There are stalls selling gadgets, food, and lanterns on both sides of the street.And guessing lantern riddles, the scene is very lively.

"Sister Su, sister Qing, let's go buy a lamp for fun." Feng Qingluan pulled Su Wanyan and said to Yun Qing.

"Okay." The two looked at Feng Qingluan helplessly and said in unison.

Paid the money and just got the lamp in hand.At this time, there was a commotion in the crowd: "Run! You killed someone!" The street that was still busy just now was in a panic. The stalls fled, and the street became chaotic for a while.

"Sister Su, something happened in front of Sister Qing. Follow me closely." Seeing this scene, Feng Qingluan immediately took out her self-defense whip from her sleeve, and led a few people to a place where there were few people.

Among the few of them, Feng Qingluan's kung fu has been passed down by General Feng, and she is well-known in the capital. Xiaoxiao also learned a few self-defense skills.Needless to say Yun Qing's skills, but Su Wanyan is a weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken, let alone two accompanying maids who don't know martial arts.

"Xiaoxiao, take Xiao Yu and Shuang'er to protect them. Sister Su, follow me closely. Let's go this way." Yun Qing said.As for Feng Qingluan, as long as she doesn't fight those people, no one can hurt her.

But when the people on the street were in chaos, there was no way to go out.

At this time, Yun Qing could see clearly that there was a group of masked men in black at the back, about 20 people, all of them with big knives and swords and chopped at everyone they saw, regardless of whether they were men, women, old or young.There were wailing and crying in the street.

"These beasts, even the elderly and children are not spared." Feng Qingluan couldn't help it when she saw it, and she wished she could rush up and kill these people.

"Kill them all!" The masked man in black shouted loudly, raising the knife and sword in his hand.The tone was very cruel and did not take the lives of these people seriously.

"Xiaoxiao, take them away quickly and find a place to hide. Remember, no matter what happens, don't make a sound." Seeing those masked men approaching, Yun Qing said.

"Miss, what about you...?" Xiaoxiao asked anxiously.If I knew it earlier, I should have called Sister Nonghua and Sister Nongyue to come with me.

"Don't worry about us, you take the two of them to the alley in front, and when you get to the alley, go straight ahead and don't look back." Yun Qing ordered.Looking at Feng Qingluan and Su Wanyan again, she said, "Sisters, let's go this way." Yun Qing pointed to another street.

"Okay." Several people said in unison.Separate the two roads and run forward desperately at the same time.

"Boss, look there are three beautiful girls over there." Among the crowd, the masked man caught sight of the outstanding looks of the three of them.

"Catch the three of them, and they will live!" The masked man in black who received the order swung the knife and sword even more cruelly, and came straight towards Yun Qing and the others.

Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan dragged Su Wanyan to another street, running forward desperately.But there were too many people, even if they ran desperately, those masked people were getting closer and closer to them.

"Sister Qing'er, sister Qingluan, leave me alone." If you don't take her and run away, with Qingluan's skill, these people can't hurt her.But she really couldn't run anymore, the three of them together would only implicate the other two.

"No, I won't leave you alone." Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan said in unison.

Yun Qing's cold eyes froze, she had never been hunted down and fled so embarrassingly, since she couldn't escape, then kill all these people.Yun Qing stopped suddenly, looked at Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan and said, "It's not an option for us to run like this. Sister Feng is like this, let's lead them to that street." Yun Qing pointed to the street with few people street.

"Okay." The soft whip in Feng Qingluan's hand could no longer be held back.Su Wanyan also nodded, since that's the case, it's better to blog once.

The three of Yun Qing ran towards the street over there, and the masked men in black chased after them.

Finally, on this street with few people, the three of them stopped.

"Run, you guys are trying to run!" The masked man who caught up pointed at Yun Qing and the other three with a big knife.

Yun Qing sneered: "Since you know you can't run anymore, why waste your energy on running?"

"You guys are quite sensible." The masked man said with a smile: "Seeing that the three of you are not bad, I spared your lives and followed my uncle. I will let you eat and drink spicy food." The masked man laughed loudly.

"You bastards, how dare you kill people at the emperor's feet, let's see how I teach you a lesson." Feng Qingluan snorted coldly, the soft whip in her hand was already pointing at them.

"Haha, she's still a pungent girl. I like it, sir." The masked man laughed, obviously not paying attention to Feng Qingluan's words.

"Sister Su, Sister Qing, stand aside. Let's see how this girl beats them all over the floor." Feng Qingluan said, the soft whip in her hand had already swung at the masked man.But the soft whip that was swung out was held back by the masked man who was the leader.Unable to move for a moment, Su Wanyan was startled and said, "Qingluan!"

(End of this chapter)

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