The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 120 Sent to Master Hou to be a concubine to curry favor with

Chapter 120 Sent to Master Hou to be a concubine to curry favor with (2)
"Why, is what Miss Ben said wrong?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "Bring these people to Miss Ben."

"Missy's kindness, my concubine accepts it physically and mentally. But these people were ordered by the Hou Ye to teach the young lady how to behave, and I also asked the concubine not to follow the orders of the young lady." Cheng Yue gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

"Since you don't want to leave, don't blame Miss Ben for sweeping you out." Yun Qing said coldly with her eyes turning cold.

"Miss, these people are ordered by Master Hou. If you don't want Master Hou to be angry, you should stop being petty." Cheng Yue said in a deep voice.

"Okay! Since the second lady is so kind, isn't it unreasonable for me to refuse." Yun Qingqing turned her eyes, raised her eyebrows and said softly: "In that case, these maids and women should stay .”

Cheng Yue felt elated when she heard Yun Qing's words.These people are all hers, so let's kill this bitch now.Knowing that Master Hou wanted Mu Yunqing to learn the rules, how could she really let Mu Yunqing learn the etiquette of those famous ladies to steal her daughter's demeanor.That's why I taught this bitch the rules to Master Hou himself.Obviously she came to teach the rules, but secretly she could take the opportunity to deal with this bitch.When the time comes, she will also fix the person, and Mu Yunqing, a bitch, has not learned the rules. When the time comes to make a fool of himself at the Qionghua Banquet, she will see how this bitch will gain a foothold in the capital.

"Mother Liu, Mother Cheng, you must teach the eldest lady how to behave. But don't disgrace the Marquis. And you servants must serve the eldest lady with all your heart." Cheng Yue Shen He gave an order.

"Yes. The slaves will definitely take good care of the young lady (the one who teaches the young lady how to behave)." Several maidservants responded respectfully.

After getting the result she was satisfied with, Cheng Yue raised her eyebrows and said, "The concubine will resign first." After saying that, he did not forget to show a few wives a look with his eyes.

Seeing Cheng Yue's leaving figure, Yun Qing's face turned cold instantly.Looking at the maidservant that Cheng Yue sent over, she told Xiaoxiao: "Second Madam's kindness is hard to turn down, so take Mother Liu and Mother Cheng to the kitchen to light the fire." Since they like to stay so much, then don't Blame her!
"Yes, Miss." Xiaoxiao replied, glanced at Liu Nanny and Cheng Nanny and raised her eyebrows: "Madam, from now on, I will trouble you two with the kitchen fire, I hope you two don't let Miss Disappointed!"

When the two nuns heard this, they were annoyed, let alone mentioning it. Although they were slaves in the Hou's mansion, compared to the ordinary people outside, when did they ever do such a thing as lighting a fire.The two stood there motionless.

"Why, are you dissatisfied with the errands ordered by this lady?" Yun Qing's tone became cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, you are just slaves. When you come to this lady, you have to obey my orders in everything. If you If you can't do it, let Miss Ben get out immediately."

"Miss, the servants are specially sent by Master Hou to teach Miss how to behave, not...not to light the fire." Madam Cheng said confidently relying on herself as Cheng Yue's close old slave.But he didn't know that his words had already dug a death hole for himself.

Yun Qing smiled coldly, and said: "Regulations! When will it be my turn to teach you how to behave? If you two don't want to go to the kitchen to light the fire, then get the hell out of me, otherwise don't talk about rules with me. "

"I really don't know what is good or bad. You dare to disobey the lady's orders. You really think you are someone. Could it be that you really think you are the master of this house? The lady has already looked down on you by asking you to go to the kitchen to light the fire. If you Now it's a long-winded and careful board." Xiaoxiao said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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