The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 124 Sent to Master Hou to be a concubine to curry favor with

Chapter 124 Sent to Master Hou to be a concubine to curry favor with (6)
But unfortunately, the prince was grounded by the emperor, and he was demoted to the king of Yuejun.What's even more outrageous is that the prince has something to do with Mu Ze's death.Because of this relationship, father forbids her to have any relationship with the prince, and his attitude towards her is not as good as before.Mother didn't support her being with the prince as much as before.

Seeing that the Qionghua banquet is coming, this is her chance.She couldn't miss this great opportunity.

As long as she wins No.1 at the Qionghua Banquet, the emperor will grant a wish, and then she can ask the emperor to grant a marriage.Although it would be bad for her reputation to offer the marriage on her own initiative, she can't care about it now.

"Mother, don't worry, wait until your daughter Qionghua wins No. 1 at the banquet, and then I will vent your anger on you, and see how arrogant that bitch Mu Yunqing is." Mu Yunyi comforted softly.When Mu Yunqing was mentioned, there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Looking at the mess in the room, and listening to her daughter's words, Cheng Yue finally came to her senses, gritted her teeth and said, "I want that bitch to live or die."

"Mother, do you mean to say that the poison that poisoned Mu Yunqing's bitch mother to death has already been obtained?" At that time, mother told her that there was a way to make Mu Yunqing die silently. Also excited for a long time.But at that time, my mother told her that the poison had been used up.Otherwise, how could she allow that bitch Mu Yunqing to live for so long!
When Cheng Yue heard this, she quickly covered Mu Yunyi's mouth. Fortunately, everyone in the room was her confidant.Otherwise, if this word gets out, it will be their time of death!

"Yi'er, mother told you last time, you will rot this matter to my stomach, and you are not allowed to mention a word again, have you forgotten?" Cheng Yue said in a deep voice.

Besides, how could such a powerful poison be obtained so easily.Back then that person only gave Mu Yuanfeng a little bit, it was enough to kill that bitch Wang Luoyan!

Cheng Yue looked at her daughter, then looked at her personal maid in warning, and said: "Take it as if you didn't hear what I said today, otherwise don't blame my wife for being ruthless." The maid nodded quickly and assured her.

"But mother, there are four days left to the Qionghua Banquet. Daughter... I can't just attend the Qionghua Banquet like this!" With her current appearance, what she wears and uses doesn't look like a lady from the Hou's mansion. No. 1, even if you go out, you will be laughed at by those noble ladies.Not to mention that the wound on her face has not healed yet.Whenever Mu Yunyi thinks of the injury on her face, she can't wait.

"Mother, you have to help your daughter!" Mu Yunyi said.

If it was in the past, Mu Yunyi would not have to worry about money.But since Mu Yunqing took away the shop held by her mother and the accounts from ten years ago, she has been living in a very difficult time these days.Whoever is the richest in the house must be that bitch Mu Yunqing.But let her go and humiliate Mu Yunqing for money, she can't do it no matter what!
Cheng Yue was also very annoyed at the mention of money, although she said she was still in charge of the Hou Ye's family, but the little salary of the Hou Ye could not compare to Wang Luoyan's dowry.Over the years, she has also gotten used to spending money lavishly.After handing over 360 million taels of silver for the ten-year account, where does she have extra silver now?It was Hou Ye who got the 1 taels of silver when he celebrated his birthday, or Hou Ye did not know how to get it.Although the emperor gave a thousand taels of gold last time, if those rewards from the emperor were removed, the government's clear accounts would not exceed 1000 taels of silver in total.

So now the Hou Mansion is very poor!
(End of this chapter)

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