The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 133: Chu Li Worry Turns His Face

Chapter 133: Chu Li Worry Turns His Face (1)
Capital City, Lanyue Pavilion.

In an elegant room on the second floor, this room is usually used to entertain distinguished guests.

"Thank you, Miss Mu." Xue Wu smiled.

"Boss, you're welcome. Actually, I didn't do anything." Yun Qing said softly.

The two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere in the room became much warmer.The woman in white looked at the smiles of the two, looked at Xue Wu and said, "Why do you just know to thank her? It's not my princess, can you earn so much money all at once?"

Xue Wu covered her lips with a smile, and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, the eldest princess."

Yun Qing watched the interaction between the two indifferently, it seemed that the two knew each other.She was just curious about this eldest princess, whether she was the one born to the current queen.The woman in white seemed to see through what Yun Qing was thinking, and said softly: "My name is Chu Liyou, the No. 11 child of the late emperor. You can call me Liyou." Chu Liyou said.This straightforward personality is somewhat similar to Feng Qingluan.

Chu Liyou!
Yun Qing read it silently in her heart. According to the memory of her previous life, she had heard of such a No. [-] person, but she had never seen it.

It is said that the eleventh princess of the first emperor did not live in the imperial city since she was a child, but lived with her master all the time.For these, Yun Qing has never paid attention to them, so he doesn't know much about them.

"My name is Mu Yunqing. You can call me Yunqing." Yunqing smiled softly and said, "It's just that I don't understand, why did Li You help me?" They just met for the first time, Chu Liyou As the eldest princess, she has no friendship with her, so there is no reason to help her.

Chu Liyou smiled and said slowly: "Because you fit my eyes. The first time I saw you, I had a feeling that we would become good friends in the future."

"It's an honor to have you as a friend." Yun Qing said.

Indeed, apart from Sister Su and Sister Feng who are her friends in this world, Chu Liyou really does not reject being friends with her.Perhaps this is the so-called eye margin!
"I'm also very honored!" Chu Li said worryingly.

The two girls looked at each other and smiled.

After Yunqing picked out a blue dress for herself in Lanyue Pavilion, she picked out a few clothes for Xiaoxiao and Nongyue Nonghua each.After chatting happily with Li You, a friend I just met, for an afternoon, I led Xiaoxiao back to the mansion.When leaving, the two also made an appointment to play together next time.

As soon as Chu Liyou returned to Beijing, he met Yun Qing, a friend who came to chat with him, and he was still in a very happy mood.Humming a ditty, she walked briskly towards her brother's mansion that she hadn't seen for a long time.

From the palace.

"Brother, how are you?" As soon as Chu Liyou entered the room, his brother was lying on the bed with a terribly pale face.For many years, her brother has been suffering like this.The poison on my body would recur at some point.

"Your brother, I still can't die. Why are you back? The old man allowed you to come back?" The man lying on the bed had a pale face, but it didn't affect his beautiful face in the slightest.He looked at his sister with raised eyebrows, and said in a calm tone.

"Isn't it a long time since I haven't seen my brother and I miss my brother?" Chu Liyou said coquettishly.

"Go back! This is not the place for you to stay." Chu Limo said coldly.

"Brother, I'm already 17 years old. I'm no longer a child. I can protect myself. I don't want to go back to Lingyin Temple." Chu Liyou became impatient when he heard this.She knew that her brother was worried about her safety, but she couldn't stay on the mountain with her master forever, and there was her only brother here.Her brother needs her care.

(End of this chapter)

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