The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 135: Chu Li Worry Turns His Face

Chapter 135: Chu Li Worry Turns His Face (3)
"How dare you blame your sister for the matter." Mu Yuanfeng said angrily, "If you beg for mercy, you will kneel with her."

"She did it on purpose. If she hadn't deliberately tricked me, how could I..." Mu Yun continued reluctantly.

"Shut up!" Mu Yuanfeng glared at Mu Yunyi before she finished speaking and said angrily.Mu Yunyi was scolded by her father again and again these days, and couldn't help feeling wronged in her heart, and began to cry.

Cheng Yue also knew that the reason why Mu Yuanfeng was so angry today was because Yi'er spent 5000 taels of silver.In the past, Lord Hou would not have blamed him, but the situation is very different now.The mansion has now paid off the 5000 taels of silver that Yi'er spent in Lanyue Pavilion. It can be said that the mansion is already an empty shell with a bright surface.Now the richest person in the mansion is only Mu Yunqing, that bitch.

"Yi'er, your father is right, you apologize to your father quickly. You know you are wrong." Cheng Yue wanted to understand this, but she didn't understand that she should not make Mu Yuanfeng angry now.If Mu Yuanfeng's dissatisfaction with him is provoked now, it's just taking advantage of those bitches in the mansion.

"Mother, I..." Mu Yunyi was taken aback.I didn't understand what my mother had just said to help me, so I changed my words.

"Yi'er, apologize!" Cheng Yue pulled La Muyunyi and said in a firm tone.

It was a little painful to be pulled by her mother, but she also saw the hint in her mother's eyes. Although she was very unwilling, she still had to bow her head to admit her mistake and apologize. She bit her lips and said in a low voice, "Daughter knows Wrong. I won’t dare to do it again in the future!” After speaking, weeping.

"Master Hou, Yi'er didn't do it on purpose, so don't be angry anymore, forgive Yi'er." Cheng Yue also said aside.

Although Mu Yuanfeng was still very angry in his heart, it was his daughter and his beloved concubine after all. He glanced at Mu Muyunyi who was kneeling on the ground, and said slowly: "Get up! Don't do it again in the future."

"Yes, Daddy." Mu Yunyi replied unwillingly and stood up from the ground.She must settle this grudge with that bitch Mu Yunqing.

"Master Hou, this concubine knows that you are angry about the matter of money. It is true that Yi'er did not do well in this matter. But this matter cannot be entirely blamed on Yi'er. In such a situation, she deliberately provoked Yier." That means that if Mu Yunyi was at fault in this matter, that bitch Mu Yunqing was even more at fault, and she couldn't just punish her daughter but let Mu Yunqing go.

Yun Qing, who was standing outside listening, had cold eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he walked in slowly, and said lightly: "The second lady's words mean that this lady did this on purpose? You Are you blaming Miss Ben?"

Cheng Yue was startled by Yun Qing's words, she never thought that what she just said would be heard by Mu Yunqing.Feel guilty for a while.

"You... bitch, you bitch killed me." Seeing Yun Qing's hatred welling up in his heart, Mu Yunyi cursed loudly, regardless of whether Mu Yuanfeng was still present.It was this bitch who killed her.

If you like being a slut so much, Miss Ben can fulfill you!Yun Qing's eyes turned cold, and he glanced at Mu Yunyi indifferently, raised his hand and slapped her, and looked at her coldly after the slap, "It seems that the second younger sister likes being a bitch very much? .Sure enough, it was born by a lowly aunt, so I can't get on the stage."

This slap stunned Mu Yunyi and also stunned Mu Yuanfeng.

"Mu Yunqing, you hit me again. I'll fight you!" Mu Yunyi held her face covered in beatings and couldn't recover for a long time. It wasn't until she felt the burning pain on her face that she realized that this bitch had hit me again. own.She was slapped in the face again and again, how could she bear this tone, she was about to go up and beat Yun Qing in public.

(End of this chapter)

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