The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 145 The Friendship Boat Turned Upside Down

Chapter 145 The Friendship Boat Turned Upside Down (3)
"Miss, don't worry, I'm fine, it's just a small injury." This slap was indeed only a small injury to her.It was worth it to exchange my innocence with a slap in the face!

"If he dares to beat you, I'll let him take the whole Tsing Yi gate to be buried with you and Nonghua tonight." Those who bully her are bullying her!
That night!The red lights on the peaks of the Qingshan Mountains hang high.

Qingshan has already changed into the groom's scarlet attire, the bride is wearing a scarlet wedding gown, and is supported by a lady in green as she walks in slowly, but the bride under the red hijab is unusually quiet.There was no fuss or resistance.Instead, he finished the ceremony quietly.After saying "Li Cheng", firecrackers were set off outside.The bride was helped by the mother-in-law to the new house.

"Brother, younger brother, I would like to offer you a toast, and wish you an early baby." Yun Qing said to Qingshan while holding the wine glass.

"Thank you, Brother Yun." Qingshan himself didn't think that the woman would rather die than marry him before, and she didn't think that she agreed to marry him at night.The thought of holding the beauty in his arms after a while made his face full of joy.So Yun Qing offered him a toast, and he would not refuse anyone who came.After Yun Qing had finished toasting, the brothers from Tsing Yi Sect came forward to toast one by one. No matter what, there were more than 200 people in Tsing Yi Sect.One by one, they came down to toast a glass of wine, and they were almost drunk!But today is his day of great joy, and he also drank the toast one by one.

I drank an indeterminate amount of wine.

Yun Qing narrowed her eyes coldly, watching indifferently.

drink it!After drinking this meal, there is no next meal!

Early the next morning, when Qing Shan woke up, he was shocked!Shock!The blood all over the place, those brothers who followed him have already been decapitated one by one, the blood in the Tsing Yi gate is removed, only the smell of wine is left on the ground, the strong smell of blood is full of the smell of wine .

"Brother, you are finally willing to wake up!" The voice penetrated like a curse from hell.Qing Shan looked up, but what he saw was an innocent face.yes!It was an innocent face, gently wiping a dagger in his hand, but there was a devil hiding under his eyes.It made him tremble and want to back away.He has killed countless people in his life, but he has never seen such a terrifying expression in someone's eyes.She is obviously smiling, but she will take your life in the next second.

"It was you! You killed them!"

"Yes! I killed them." The natural tone seemed to say that today is a good day.

"I have no grievances with you, why did you do this?" Qingshan still doesn't understand why this young man did this?Didn't he come to find himself for business?Although he was on guard against him, he didn't expect him to be so ruthless?

"No injustice or enmity?" Yun Qing chuckled and said, "You are so naive! Do you think we really have no injustice and no enmity?" Only then did Qing Shan see Nong Yue standing beside him, Nong Yue Gong Standing respectfully under the boy's head.Nongyue is his man!
"It turns out that you avenged her! It turns out that you paid 5000 yuan for Chu Feiyang's life in order to get close to the sect master and let the sect master lower his vigilance." Qingshan now regrets that he doesn't know people clearly.

"That's right, the purpose of spending 5000 taels of silver is indeed to get close to you. But you are wrong about one thing, this 5000 taels is to buy the lives of your entire Tsing Yi sect." Yun Qing smiled.

"So you poisoned it? But I don't understand, how did you poison it?" He would be really stupid if he didn't understand by now.If he hadn't poisoned them, how could so many of them have died so miserably!
(End of this chapter)

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