The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 149 If you break something, you will lose money

Chapter 149 If you break something, you will lose money (2)
"Okay." Yun Qing casually took out a piece of silver from his sleeve and gave it to the stall owner's old woman.Just about to take over the hairpin, when...

"Miss Ben wants this hairpin." Just as Yun Qing was about to take it, a blue figure rushed in and took the hairpin from the stall owner's old woman.I took it in my hand and looked at it.

"Girl, I'm sorry. This girl has already bought this hairpin. Girl, can you take a look at the others?" Before Yun Qing could speak, the stall owner's old woman spoke first.

"Why?" The woman in blue asked displeased.

"Girl, this young lady has already paid for it." The stall owner's old woman said softly.

"How much she paid, I can pay you double. Don't you just want to add more money?" The woman in blue looked at Yun Qing with disdainful eyes, and then said displeasedly to the old lady of the stall owner.

But the disdainful eyes were full of jealousy.

At the first glance, she found this elegantly dressed woman with a stunning appearance.Finding a woman more beautiful than her in Qingshan County was a great threat to her.She will never allow a woman more beautiful than her to appear here!
More importantly, as soon as she appeared, she attracted the eyes and attention of countless people.All the men and women in Qingshan County stayed on her body!
"Looking at the girl's dress, she can be regarded as a decent lady, why is her behavior no different from that of a bandit?" Yun Qing said slowly.

"Puchi..." Nong Yue couldn't help laughing for a while.

"You! You called me a bandit!" Lan Yi was furious when he heard Yun Qing's words, pointing at Yun Qing and questioning loudly.

"Girl, I bought the hairpin in your hand with silver. Now you snatched it by force. Isn't this behavior the same as that of a bandit?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman in blue and smiled. Kindly explained.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you know who is standing in front of you?" The maidservant next to the woman in blue said with a domineering look on her face, "If you dare to offend our lady, I don't think you will die!"

"I really don't know who your young lady is." Yun Qing mocked, then looked at the woman in blue and said, "Could it be that the girl is used to doing such things? If that's the case, please tell me, my lady." It's not unreasonable, if you like this hairpin, just let the girl buy it." That indifferent tone seemed to be saying that only people like you are worthy of this hairpin.

This made her who was always arrogant and arrogant couldn't bear it.After all, she is also the daughter of the city lord of Qingshan County, even if the county magistrate of Qingshan County saw her, he would respectfully call her Miss Shangguan.Who in Qingshan County is not afraid of her and flatters her!But no one has ever dared to humiliate her!
Yun Qing said again: "Girl, since you want to buy it, remember to pay the money to the old woman who owns the stall! You see, it is not easy for the old woman to come to do some small business at such an age." That means you can't rely on yourself If you don't have the status of a person, you can act recklessly and don't give money, and you can't be so heartless as a human being!Even the elderly in their decades are robbed!

The woman in blue blushed when she was angered by Yun Qing's words, this stinky girl who doesn't know what to do.Picking up the money and paying the money one by one, it sounded like she was really thinking of the stall owner, but no one who was watching the excitement couldn't tell that these words were humiliating her.She was telling everyone, as if she never gave money for buying things.

But this is slapping her in the face severely!

(End of this chapter)

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