The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 151 If you break something, you will lose money

Chapter 151 If you break something, you will lose money (4)
Passers-by on the street couldn't help but gasped when they saw this scene, and quickly hid themselves, so as not to accidentally injure themselves, and at the same time they were all worried about the girl.

Yun Qing's eyes turned cold, she saw that she was just a little girl who likes to be competitive, and she just needs to be taught a lesson.Unexpectedly, this girl is still a ruthless master.Since she likes to play so much, let's play with her!

Yun Qingqing watched the blue whip swing towards him.When the whip was about to hit him, his figure disappeared in front of Shangguan Lanqin like a ghost.But Shangguan Lanqin's whip was ruthlessly slashed at the stall of the stall owner's old lady.In an instant, the stall was torn apart, and the trinkets on the stall fell to the ground.But Shangguan Lanqin didn't seem to feel remorse at all, instead, he swung the whip in his hand again.The stall owners who set up stalls on the street suffered a lot, and they were destroyed by Shangguan Lanqin's whip.

He waved it several times, but didn't hurt Yun Qing even once. Shangguan Lanqin didn't mention how angry he was.

But Yun Qing seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, no matter how she swung the whip, she couldn't hit her.

"Stinky girl, don't hide if you have the ability! Come out for Miss Ben, and see if Miss Ben doesn't beat you to death." Shangguan Lanqin shouted impatiently.

In fact, Yun Qing didn't move at all, but stood aside with Nong Yue, watching Shangguan Lanqin's whip waving wildly.She just did a little trick.

"Girl, as far as your skill of making a whip is concerned, if you don't know it, then don't show it. It's really embarrassing!" Yun Qing laughed.Shangguan Lanqin looked along with the laughter, and saw Yun Qingxiao's insolent face, which was even trembling with anger.

Since she dared to laugh at herself, don't blame her!
Shangguan Lanqin looked into the crowd and saw the old woman who was the owner of the stall, it was her!She is the culprit. If she had set up a stall here, she would have been insulted like this today.

"Smelly girl, I know I can't hit you. If that's the case, it's the same if I beat the old woman to death. If you want to save her, I think it's your skill or my whip." Has waved towards the old woman.Yun Qing's eyes turned cold, she looked at the whip that had already been swung, and before she had time to think about it, she hurried over to protect the old woman behind her.All the passers-by on the street held their breath, watching this sudden scene.If this whip is beaten down, this girl's peerless beauty will be ruined!
I thought the whip would fall on Yun Qing's face, but someone caught it in the next second.A pleasant male voice sounded above his head: "Lan Qin, have you messed around enough?"

Seeing that someone caught his whip, Shangguan Lanqin pouted unhappily, and said, "Shangguan Fan, why are you here?"

"If I don't come, what kind of trouble do you want to make? Hurry up and apologize to this girl." Shangguan Fan said in a deep voice.

"Apologize!" Shangguan Lanqin raised her eyebrows, looked at Shangguan Fan with disdain and said, "Why do you want me to apologize to her? Shangguan Fan, you want me to apologize to her as soon as you come, do you have a crush on her? Don't forget, I am your younger sister. Of course, although I don't want to have a big brother like you at all. "

"Shut up!" Shangguan Fan reprimanded in a deep voice.But Shangguan Lanqin didn't take Shangguan Fan seriously at all, he was just the son of a lowly girl, how could he compare with her, a prostitute.If his father hadn't admitted that he was the son of the Shangguan family, he wouldn't know where he was with his lowly mother?

"Why do you tell me to shut up. Shangguan Fan, let me warn you, if you are sensible, you should let this lady go quickly, otherwise don't blame me for beating you together." Shangguan Lanqin shouted arrogantly.

"Shangguan Lanqin, with me, Shangguan Fan, you don't want to hurt this girl anymore. Don't think that I dare not teach you a lesson!"

"You dare! If you dare to touch me, I'll see how daddy will teach you a lesson." Shangguan Lanqin was obviously not afraid of Shangguan Fan's warning at all.

"Slap!" A loud slap hit Shangguan Lanqin hard on the face.He has endured them for a long time. If his mother hadn't asked him to endure everything before she left, he wouldn't have been ridden on the head by Shangguan Lanqin again and again, humiliating him.

"You hit me! How dare you hit me! Shangguan Fan, I'm going to tell Daddy, you wait for me." This is the first time she has been slapped severely in the face, or by a bastard she despises in public .

Yun Qing didn't want to watch their so-called sibling affairs!Helping the old woman pick up the things scattered on the ground, she stood up, raised her eyebrows and smiled, and called Shangguan Lanqin, who was about to run away with her face in her hands, and said, "Girl, if you break something, you will have to pay for it! Girl, you If you run away like this, don't you really want to be a veritable female bandit?"

(End of this chapter)

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