The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 155 Losing Money 1 Accidentally Became a Heroine

Chapter 155 Losing money and accidentally becoming a heroine (4)
But she had to do what she said!Go and apologize!
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was wrong, I was wrong!" Finally, Shangguan Lanqin couldn't bear the pain, and burst into tears.Seeing Shangguan Lanqin like this, all the people present turned their eyes away and fell silent.But he didn't dare to say a word.This scene shocked them too much!I'm afraid they will remember this scene for a long time!
And during this whole process, Shangguan Fan, who is the eldest brother of Shangguan Lanqin, has been watching indifferently, like a stranger watching indifferently!

"Old woman, are you satisfied with Miss Shangguan's sincere apology?" Yun Qing said flatly, "The old woman is satisfied, and this matter will come to an end." Hearing this, Shangguan Lanqin stared at the old woman with wide eyes , Nervous and afraid.

"Forgive others and forgive others. Since Miss Shangguan has apologized, my old lady, even if I am sad, I will come back after those things are broken. Forget it!" The old woman sighed.

She probably never thought that this tragic incident would happen because of a hairpin on her stall!

"Okay." Yun Qing said.

Because Shangguan Lanqin's hand was broken and he couldn't get the silver, so Nongyue helped out and distributed a few silver bills from Shangguan Lanqin's purse to the stall owners who lost money.The stall owners couldn't help being happy when they saw the money.As for Shangguan Lanqin, she no longer cared about her life or death.

Others didn't care about Shangguan Lanqin's life or death, but Shangguan Fan couldn't.He ordered Shangguan Lanqin's maidservant, who was completely stupid, to send Shangguan Lanqin back to the mansion.He said he was stupid, but in fact, Nongyue had already tapped the acupuncture points of that maidservant who was as arrogant as her master.Make her unable to report.Now that Shangguan Lanqin had been taught a lesson, Nong Yue naturally untied the maidservant's acupuncture points.

After the crowd who had received the money dispersed, Shangguan Fan glanced at Yun Qing and said, "Girl, I'm really sorry!"

"There's nothing to be sorry about! Anyway, I've already got back the girl who should be brought back." Yun Qing looked at the back of Shangguan Lanqin who had been carried back and smiled, then looked at Shangguan Fan with a smile Fei smiled and said, "It's just that something like this happened, I'm afraid it's not easy to explain to your father, sir?"

"I'm used to it, the worst thing is that I'll be punished." Shangguan Fan laughed at himself.After finishing the words, he glanced at Yun Qing apologetically.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, my lord. Presumably your father won't really punish you because of your sister-in-law. After all, this matter has nothing to do with you." Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and said: "Just a word of advice, lord, forbear for a long time. Nor can it solve the root of the matter. Since this is the case, why not let it go and fight for it once."

"Girl, you!" Shangguan Fan couldn't help being startled.The woman saw through his mind at a glance.Or, is his mind really that obvious?He obviously hid it well, even those people in the city lord's mansion have never seen his thoughts for so many years.

"If the young master doesn't have any manpower to help, this girl can help." Yun Qing said.

Shangguan Fan looked at Yun Qing in shock, "We just met for the first time, why did the girl help me? The girl helped me, and what do I need to do?" There is no free lunch in this world, and he still understands this truth .

"Because I can help you get what you need! And you?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows at him with a half-smile, because this girl is interested in the money from your Shangguan family, is this reason enough?

"Girl is willing to help me, what do you need me to do for you?" Shangguan Fan said.He no longer wanted to be trampled under his feet.But it doesn't mean he can do something against his will.He could see from Shangguan Lanqin's incident that this woman was ruthless.

Yun Qing said: "My lord, you can rest assured, I will never force you to do anything against your will." She will not force him, but it does not mean that some people will not.Shangguan Lanqin was in such a catastrophe, even if it had nothing to do with Shangguan Fan, some people would not let him go, right?When the time comes, will Shangguan Fan still be hesitant and unwilling to make a move?

Yun Qing looked at Shang Guanfan, how could she not see what Shang Guanfan was thinking?Shangguan Fan just lacked a bit of ruthlessness, and he didn't want to attack his only relative, otherwise, how could he be humiliated by that arrogant and brainless woman Shangguan Lanqin.But from Shangguan Fan's eyes, Yun Qing could see that Shangguan Fan didn't have any so-called brother-sister relationship with Shangguan Lanqin. Presumably his patience with Shangguan Lanqin was related to the Shangguan City Lord, right?

It's just that he forgot one very important thing, the strong are respected in this world!If you are not cruel, you will be the one who will die.But Shangguan Fan can survive in such a dire situation as the City Lord's Mansion, there must be something special about him.

"Okay!" Shangguan Fan said with great determination.If he couldn't take a step forward, he would just die.

"Since the young master has come down, if you have anything to do in the future, go to Qingshan Inn to find the shopkeeper there. If you need help, young master, someone will naturally help you." Yun Qing smiled.Without hesitation, he borrowed Yechen's power once again.Anyway, she and Yechen are also in a cooperative relationship, I believe Yechen will not be so stingy.

"Okay." Shangguan Fan nodded.He said again: "I don't know the girl's name yet, I'm Shang Guanfan."

"Mu Yunqing."

After the two chatted for a few more words, Shangguan Fan left.

(End of this chapter)

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