The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 165 The Banquet of Qionghua

Chapter 165 The Banquet of Qionghua (4)
"Let's go. It's not good to be late." Yun Qing said.People have already boarded towards her carriage.But he didn't ask Mu Shuilian to sit with him.It's not that Yunqing didn't see the longing in Mu Shuilian's eyes, but that she didn't want to ride in the same car with them at all.This made Mu Shuilian bit her lip, but she also knew that there was no other way.Reluctantly, she walked towards the small carriage that belonged to her and Mu Shuibing.

Seeing this, Mu Yunyi stopped talking and boarded the carriage directly.Yun Qing, who had already boarded the carriage, looked back at Xiao Xiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, come up soon." But she completely ignored Mu Shuiwan who was standing there and wanted to enter the palace with them.Mu Shuiwan stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.If you don't go in a carriage, the imperial palace is so far away, how can she catch up with the carriage with these legs.Even if she can catch up, she will definitely smell of sweat when she runs all the way. How can she make friends with the sons and brothers of rich families in this state.At that time, she will really become an errand maid!
Xiaoxiao didn't talk too much, and got into the carriage directly.At this moment, Yun Qing looked at Mu Yunyi who had boarded the carriage again and said: "Second Sister's carriage is so big, it would be very boring to sit by you alone. Let cousin Shui Wan ride in the carriage with you. "It was only then that Mu Yunyi noticed that there was another person.Just now she paid attention to Mu Yunqing, but she didn't notice Mu Shuiwan.Originally, she was still thinking that Mu Shuiwan would come to beg her, but it seemed that she was going to beg Mu Yunqing.It's just that she didn't expect that Mu Shuiwan would dress up as a maid in order to go to the palace.Glancing at Mu Shuiwan, Mu Yunyi said: "Since killing is like this, you can come up." When Mu Shuiwan heard this, she quickly thanked Xie Muyunyi gratefully.But to Yun Qing, although he said thanks on his lips, he still held a grudge in his heart.

The three carriages headed slowly towards the palace.In Mu Yunyi's carriage, Mu Yunyi glanced at Mu Shuiwan with some haughty eyes, and said: "In order to go to the banquet, my cousin can really do anything! It's just...cousin, you can obviously She went to the banquet as the young miss of the Mu family, but Mu Yunqing asked her cousin to dress up as a maid, I really don't know what she is thinking about?"

Listening to Mu Yunyi's instigated words, Mu Shuiwan showed a trace of resentment in her eyes, but quickly retreated. : "I begged my sister to take me to the palace, and I can't blame my sister for this matter."

"Cousin sister is really generous!" Mu Yunyi raised her eyebrows.Mu Shui remained silent and lowered his head.

Not long after, three carriages stopped at the gate of the palace.According to regulations, carriages are not allowed to enter the palace.At this moment, many ladies from famous families had already gathered at the gate of the palace.Twos and threes whispered to each other.

After getting off the carriage, the others looked at this majestic and majestic palace with excitement and excitement.This is their dream!
"Sister Qing." Yun Qing got off the carriage, and Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan, who had already arrived, walked over and shouted.

"Sister Su, Sister Feng." Yun Qing smiled and exchanged pleasantries with the two.Fortunately, these two came, otherwise she would really die of boredom.

"You're still smiling so happily, don't you know what day it is? Today is a day like this, even if you're pretending to be sick, you shouldn't have come to this banquet!" Su Wanyan couldn't help feeling worried for Yun Qing .Although today is said to be the Qionghua Banquet, she knows that this is an excuse made by the emperor. If Yunqing really has something to do with the matter of the celestial girl, then she has only one way to go, to enter the palace and become the emperor's concubine .

Yun Qing smiled lightly and said: "I may not be able to escape by pretending to be sick. The emperor made an order. If you don't come, isn't it a rebellion?" When the emperor accused her of disrespecting the order, she It is possible not to care about the life and death of the Mu Mansion, but it is impossible not to care about the grandfather's family.

Su Wanyan also knew, so she could only watch helplessly.

"You two elder sisters, don't worry about me. If you are here, you will be safe. Besides, the goddess in the rumors may not necessarily be me. There are still a few other girls in the Mufu!" Yun Qing said.

She has been preparing for so long, how can she not see the results.

"You!" Su Wanyan smiled and shook her head helplessly.

"Sister Su, don't worry, Sister Qing is right." It's not that Feng Qingluan is not worried about Yun Qing.Ever since she saw Yun Qing kill someone that day, she always had a strange feeling that Yun Qing wouldn't just watch helplessly, something wonderful would definitely happen later.

"That's right, don't worry about it. When we enter the palace, we can just appreciate the exquisite flowers and plants in the palace." Yun Qing said with a smile.

Yun Qing is not worried anymore, and it is useless for Su Wanyan to worry.What Yun Qing said is also right, it may not be her that day.

"Let's go! It's time to go in." Yun Qing reminded.There was already a long queue at the gate of the palace waiting to enter the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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