The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 167 The Banquet of Qionghua

Chapter 167 The Banquet of Qionghua (2)
Chu Qiaoyang froze for a moment. Originally, she thought that Mu Yunqing would definitely save this lowly servant girl if she stopped the maid who was about to attack, but she never expected that she would say such a thing.That's right, Concubine Mu specially warned her on this day, asking her to hold back her temper and not to cause any trouble today.

But if she doesn't hold the mouth of this lowly maid, won't she lose face as a dignified princess?

Just when Chu Qiaoyang was thinking about whether to slap this lowly servant girl, the maid in charge of the Queen's Palace came over and bowed to Chu Qiaoyang: "Greetings to the third princess."

Chu Qiaoyang raised his eyebrows, "Madam Li isn't serving the Queen Mother, what are you doing here in the Royal Garden?"

"Responding to the third princess, the old slave came to invite Miss Mu according to the mother's order." Nanny Li replied respectfully, neither humble nor overbearing.

"The queen mother wants to see Miss Mu?"

"Returning to the third princess, that's right." Li Momo looked at Yun Qing and his party again, and asked, "I wonder who is Miss Mu Yunqing from the Muhou Mansion?"

Yun Qing frowned, the queen specified that she wanted to see her.Hearing what this nanny said, it seemed that she was the only one she saw, so what is the empress planning?But the queen had better not think about making any plans on her, otherwise she would not be so easy to mess with.

"I am Mu Yunqing." Yun Qing said calmly.The tone was neither disrespectful nor flattering.

"Miss Mu, this way please." Compared to the respectful attitude towards Chu Qiaoyang just now, this attitude towards Yun Qing has turned 180 degrees, and the attitude is so bad that it is no longer possible to chat happily!

She has a bad attitude, and Yun Qing will naturally not give her a good face.The tone was indifferent: "I don't know why the empress summoned the minister's daughter?"

"Your Majesty summoned Miss Mu for something. Miss Mu, please come this way, Your Majesty is still waiting?" That means, if you keep your Majesty waiting for a long time, you will not have good fruit to eat.

"In that case, please lead the way ahead." Yun Qing said calmly.They come, the security.She didn't believe that the queen could really eat her?After walking two steps, he turned his head and looked at Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan who were worried about her to tell them not to worry, and then told Xiaoxiao who was standing aside anxiously: "Wait a minute, if the second cousin asks Me, you tell Second Cousin that I have gone to the Empress Palace, and I will be back later." Upon hearing this, Nanny Li was stunned.Xiaoxiao is also smart, and soon understood what her young lady meant.The second young master Biao is feared in the capital, even the emperor dare not do anything to the second young master Biao.The emperor wants to give the second young master some face, and the empress in the palace dare not offend easily.Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Yes, Miss."

Seeing this, Chu Qiaoyang didn't intend to deal with Mu Shuiwan anymore, so he followed and said, "It just so happens that the princess hasn't gone to pay her respects to the queen mother for a long time, so let's go together."

Fengning Palace

When Yun Qing arrived in Fengning Palace, it was already very lively inside.When Chu Qiaoyang saw the queen, he saluted obediently and then stood behind Concubine De.Yun Qing took a glance, the one sitting high above was the current empress, and the one sitting below the empress was Concubine Xu Shu, who was now the favorite in the harem, who was also Chu Feiyang's biological mother.Sitting opposite Concubine Xu Shu was Concubine De, the biological mother of the third princess Chu Qiaoyang.The one sitting next to the two concubines should be the emperor's beauty.Sitting behind are the wives and ladies of several noble families.Yun Qing didn't know any of the people behind.After sweeping over, Yun Qing withdrew his gaze.She didn't kneel down to salute. In her place, she never kneels down to anyone.Just bless the body lightly, and said: "My daughter, please greet the empress. I have seen you all."

(End of this chapter)

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