The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 172 A Lesson to the Princess

Chapter 172 A Lesson to the Princess (3)
But the matter is not that Yun Qing is willing to endure it, so Chu Qiaoyang will not make trouble.No matter which way they go, Chu Qiaoyang will cause trouble.Besides, in her case, there is no such word as patience.

People respect her one foot, and she pays her back one foot.

Of course, it can't be done explicitly, but that doesn't mean it can't be done secretly.Who made this a palace?Who made Laozi the emperor who has the power of life and death?

"The princess likes it, so let's give it to the princess." Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and said softly.

But those words were different in Chu Qiaoyang's ears!What she meant by hearing Mu Yunqing's words was that she felt that this place was given to her because Mu Yunqing didn't like it.

"Who allowed you to leave." Chu Qiaoyang stopped Yun Qing and the others from leaving.

There was a trace of coldness in Yun Qing's eyes.His eyes swept over this idiot princess who was so arrogant that she had no brains to make trouble for no reason.This is purely looking for trouble.Find it for yourself!Rao Yun Qing has a good temper, if he wants to hold back, he can't bear it now.

"Chu Qiaoyang, don't think that this is the imperial palace and you can do whatever you want. Do you think that the whip in my lady's hand dare not whip you?" Before Yun Qing could get angry, Feng Qingluan's fiery temper was Can't help it.When she went out to the palace, her father gave her thousands of warnings, not to go against the princess when she got to the palace.She listened and endured it.Now it's the princess who comes to trouble them again and again, so she can't bear it anymore.

"How dare you! This is the palace, and I'm a princess, so you dare to be presumptuous. You thought that this place was not allowed outside the palace, and there are people backing you up."

"Hmph, do you dare to see this lady! Chu Qiaoyang, will you get out of the way?" Feng Qingluan raised her chin proudly and asked coldly.If you don't get out of the way with that posture, don't blame her for being rude.It's not like she hasn't hit her anyway.It's not a surprise to hit once.

Yun Qing stood aside, the corners of his mouth twitching.She thought Feng Qingluan had changed her sex today?It seems that the anger in this girl's heart has been stirred up by Chu Qiaoyang, an idiot, and she can't hold it anymore.

Now there is a good show to watch!It's just that I don't know that Chu Qiaoyang can catch Sister Feng's whip, but if she can't catch it, she will lose her face.Yun Qing thought irresponsibly.

Compared to Yun Qing's leisurely and contented mood, Su Wanyan was terribly anxious.If Feng Qingluan really hit the princess, it would be fine.Su Wanyan wanted to go forward to persuade Feng Qingluan, but was held back by Yun Qing. She didn't know what Yun Qing was whispering in Su Wanyan's ear. Su Wanyan, who was still worried just now, suddenly eased up. Little, looked at Yun Qing in a daze.Chu Qiaoyang troubled them like this, did someone really instigate him behind his back?If what Yunqing just told her is true, then it's okay for Feng Qingluan to teach the princess a lesson.

"Sister Su, let's just stand aside and watch carefully. Sister Feng is sensible. She won't really hurt her." Yun Qingyi pointed out.If you really accidentally hit hard, isn't there still a second cousin?Su Wanyan nodded, and really stood with Yun Qing and watched.

Over there Chu Qiaoyang refused to give way, Feng Qingluan was so impatient that she had already moved her hands.It was really as Yun Qing expected, Feng Qingluan was indeed very measured in his actions, and the whip didn't hit his face, but it's hard to say about other places.

In the imperial garden, Chu Qiaoyang's screams of pain and the sound of whips waving could be heard. Those famous ladies watching the excitement were already overwhelmed by this sudden scene.He could only stare blankly.

"Feng Qingluan, you dare to hit me! Someone, someone, take her down to this princess." When had Chu Qiaoyang been beaten like this in front of so many people.I lost all face.Her body was torn apart from the beating, and her gorgeous clothes were also torn. The torn clothes stuck into her inner flesh along with the split flesh, and when she moved, she grinned in pain.

It can be seen that Feng Qingluan is ruthless this time!

This is the imperial garden, except for the ladies and wives of the famous ladies and gentlemen.That is, the maids brought by the ladies and wives of the families and the maids in the palace are left.There are guards guarding here.Even if there was, Chu Qiaoyang's cries for help would not be heard at this moment.The imperial garden is full of female relatives, and the male guards are guarding the outside of the imperial garden and are not allowed to enter.And those court ladies were dumbfounded by the whip that Feng Qingluan swung at the princess, so how could they remember to find someone to rescue Her Highness Princess Chu Qiaoyang.

So this meal, Chu Qiaoyang suffered.

But Feng Qingluan struck so ruthlessly, Yun Qing couldn't help thinking that there might be another reason, and that was to vent her anger on Su Wanyan.They still remember now that the emperor wanted to marry her to his eldest cousin a month ago.Although the matter has not been mentioned since then, Yun Qing has a premonition that the emperor wants to take the opportunity of the Qionghua Banquet to mention this matter.

This is also an important reason why she didn't stop Feng Qingluan.She just wanted to see, if they beat Chu Qiaoyang today, would the emperor want to marry Chu Qiaoyang to his eldest cousin?
Maybe that sad Chu Qiaoyang still doesn't know that he has been fooled and become someone else's cannon fodder.

But when Feng Qingluan stopped, there was not a single part of Chu Qiaoyang intact.In the simplest words: that is full of scars!
(End of this chapter)

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