Chapter 182
A Qionghua banquet made a marriage destined by nature.

The restless hearts of the women who attended the banquet also relaxed.Some people even cast grateful glances.I am grateful to Yun Qing for accepting this noble but sick child who will not live long.For the fact that the emperor canonized her as Qingning princess, it was only a little compensation for her sacrifice.

Yun Qing curled her lips, she was not at all interested in the position of princess.If the emperor wanted to give compensation, it would be better to just reward her with money.A person who has the title of princess can't be eaten or used as money.What is the use of coming?

Although it is said: she is not short of silver flowers.But she doesn't think the money is too much!

Seeing Yun Qing's pouted lips, Chu Limo muttered something in his heart. He peeled a mouthful of grapes and handed it to Yun Qing.Seeing Yun Qing take it, Chu Limo said with a gentle smile: "What is Qingqing thinking?"

Yun Qing glanced at him, and reconsidered in his heart: Do you care what this girl is thinking?Peel your grapes!

There is some small movement here, and the emperor is no longer paying attention.Because Yunqing didn't want the goddess he was looking for.Now the emperor is going to find out that day girl.

"I heard that the ladies in the Muhou's mansion are all talented. Which ones are the ladies in the Muhou's mansion." The emperor glanced at the grass, and finally rested his eyes on Mu Yuanfeng and raised his eyebrows road.

"The old minister is terrified. My little girl..." Mu Yuanfeng glanced at the grass.Yun Qing has already granted a marriage to Li Wang.Of the other three, only Mu Shuilian and Mu Shuibing were on the field, but as concubines, they sat in an unremarkable seat at the back.If the emperor hadn't mentioned it, I'm afraid no one would have noticed the two of them at all.And his most satisfied daughter, Yun Yi, hired the best teacher to teach her talent since she was a child.But at this moment, Mu Yuanfeng swept around, only to find that this talented daughter was no longer on the field.

The emperor named them and asked them to watch their talent show.But at this time Yun Yi is not there, even Shui Lian and Shui Bing are no match for one Yun Yi.I'm afraid that the emperor will be angered by then.

"This..." Mu Yuanfeng was in a dilemma.I gritted my teeth against the second daughter in my heart.Knowing what the occasion was, he ran away and disappeared.

"My daughter, Mu Shuilian, pay homage to the emperor." Mu Shuilian stood up with a shy face, smiled lightly, stood up and bowed.It is an opportunity for these concubines to get the emperor to personally mention the young ladies of the Mu Mansion.Therefore, Mu Shuilian will not let go of this rare opportunity.

Mu Yuanfeng's face darkened, she thought this was some place.Behaving so frivolously.But it's not easy to get angry in front of so many people, so I can only stiffen my head and plead guilty: "Report to the emperor, this is the third daughter of the old minister. I also ask the emperor to forgive the little girl for her ignorance."

"Why should Marquis Mu be nervous. What is wrong with Miss Mu San?" The emperor laughed.Although the emperor didn't blame him, Mu Yuanfeng was already as frightened as a bird.Had to be careful.

"Your Majesty, why don't you invite Miss Mu San to cheer up the banquet." Concubine Xu Shu looked at Mu Shuilian's eyebrows and smiled.But there was something deep in that smile.

"Just as Aifei said." The emperor looked at the girl on the grass with deep eyes.Could she be the celestial girl mentioned by Master Lingyin?

"Yes." Mu Shuilian happily replied.He walked forward slowly under the gaze of everyone.This feeling of being watched made Mu Shuilian proud.

Mu Shuilian's mother was just a concubine of a seventh-rank official.Back then, it was just an item that his father flattered Mu Yuanfeng, and he was not favored in the mansion, even bringing Mu Shuilian would not be any better.In recent years, Mu Yuanfeng put all his thoughts on Mu Yunyi and Mu Ze.Naturally, these daughters were ignored.Therefore, it is really hard to say what talent Mu Shuilian will have.

(End of this chapter)

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