Chapter 186
"Ninth brother, why are you here?" The emperor was sullen. Chu Limo had always been very cold-tempered and never cared about any other business.It is also because of this temperament that he has not been out of the house for more than ten years.Today, why did I get interested, and ran over to watch the excitement.

"Why, can't you come?" Chu Limo raised his eyebrows, his own son has the face to do such a thing, so why not allow him to come and see the excitement?He didn't even notice how disrespectful his words were.It seems that he has forgotten that the person in front is the emperor.

Yun Qing stood behind Chu Limo, pouted.This person is too arrogant!He is the emperor!You should at least save some face for others!For an arrogant person like her, even if she sees the emperor, she still needs to save face.Ok!She herself didn't seem to give the emperor much face.

However, Chu Limo's arrogant attitude seemed to be used to the old emperor, and he didn't blame it, but the emperor condoned it.This made Yunqing couldn't help but take another look at Chu Limo. This person has not been out of the house for more than ten years, and he is still sick.It stands to reason that Chu Limo almost became the prince twenty years ago.The old man of the emperor should always be on guard against his threatening younger brother, although Chu Limo is not worthy of the emperor's painstaking efforts to guard against him.But anyway, Chu Limo is just a sick and weak prince, and you are the emperor.But Yun Qing felt that the emperor condoned all of Chu Limo's actions.

When Chu Limo was in the future, Chu Feiyang naturally saw Mu Yunqing who was following behind Chu Limo.This kind of thing happened because of Mu Yunqing, he just followed in because he saw Mu Yunqing coming in.But as soon as he came in, he seemed to know nothing.When he woke up, he and Mu Shuiwan lay naked on the bed, and saw the traces of Mu Shuiwan's body.Seeing the traces on his body, he naturally understood what happened.For such a thing, he only regarded it as a woman sent by Mu Shuiwan.But before he went out, somehow, Mu Yunyi, a crazy woman, broke in.After seeing all this, like crazy.Later, things became more and more out of hand, and the trouble was so great that the father knew about it.

But he just didn't want to understand, it was Mu Yunqing who came in, why the woman on the bed turned into Mu Shuiwan?
"His Royal Highness Yue Junwang, where are your eyes looking? If you don't want these eyes, this king can help you." Chu Limo's cold eyes glanced at Chu Feiyang who was looking at Yun Qing.It seemed that he was staring at the woman next to him, and those eyes just dug it out.His woman, never allow others to look at her more.Yun Qing raised his head and glanced at Chu Limo. Although this man is very annoying, but in this matter.It doesn't seem so annoying anymore.

Being warned like this, Chu Feiyang was lying if he said that he was not angry, but he also understood that the person standing in front of him was not something he could offend.Because the emperor pampered him!

Yun Qing smiled coldly in his heart, how could he not know the doubts in Chu Feiyang's heart.But he'll never know the answer.Looking at Mu Yunyi and Mu Shuiwan, who were kneeling on the ground and were scared out of their wits, Yun Qing stood up, bowed to the emperor, and said slowly: "Your Majesty, the cousin and the second younger sister are very concerned about this matter." This is also a victim, please don't blame the cousin and the second sister." Isn't it?Mu Shuiwan lost her innocence.After this incident, no one will marry her in the future.As for Mu Yunyi, she was pregnant with Chu Feiyang's child.

The two people who fell to the ground and lost their souls did not expect that Yun Qing would intercede with them.At this moment, Mu Yunyi and Mu Shuiwan regarded Yun Qing as a life-saving straw.Otherwise, the fact that Mu Yunyi did something in the palace would be enough for the emperor to chop off her head.She was also so angry about Mu Shuiwan and Chu Feiyang that she couldn't care about anything, so she lost her sense of proportion and started to fight in the palace.

"Since Princess Li is begging for mercy, let's stop with this matter." The emperor looked coldly at the people present in the palace again, and warned coldly: "Don't leak a word about this matter. Otherwise, I will Never forgive me."

"Yes." No one dared to reveal it.

"My lady, thank you, Your Majesty." Yun Qing said.It's just that there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth that no one saw.

"Take Miss Mu Er to go down and bandage her." Looking at Mu Yunyi whose forehead was bleeding, the emperor's thoughts turned to the matter of Tiannv again.He gave an order to the eunuch beside him.The eunuch beside the emperor understood the meaning and led Mu Yunyi down.Seeing Mu Yunyi going down, Yun Qing curled his lips into a smile.

As for Mu Shuiwan, the emperor spared her life and will not pursue it anymore.But she is only afraid that after leaving this palace gate today.There will be no better days.

A farce caused by two women finally calmed down.But the Qionghua banquet is not over yet.

"Sister Qing, inside..." The two who followed to see the fun were still two girls who hadn't left the court after all.The two of them just stood outside the palace and didn't go in.No, when Yun Qing came out, Feng Qingluan wanted to ask, but was ashamed to say it.

Yun Qing told the two of what happened inside, and then said: "Let's go quickly. The banquet is not over yet." Looking at Chu Limo who was still pulling him, he said displeasedly: "Can you let go. "

"Don't let go." There are many young talents in this palace staring eagerly.Now she is his unmarried daughter-in-law, so he will never let her go.In this scene, watching Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan secretly cover their lips and smile.

"Let go." Yun Qing glared at Chu Limo angrily.They have only met three times now, and they have only known each other for a few hours. Yun Qing doesn't think that this man fell in love with her at first sight.If not, there must be some purpose.Having said that, they are unfamiliar, and she is not used to being dragged by an unfamiliar person.

"If Qingqing doesn't like me pulling, then I'll change the way."

Yun Qing was speechless, saying that his brain couldn't turn the corner for a while, is this man really Chu Limo?Is it really that rumored Chu Limo who is so cold-tempered that he could freeze to death?Why does Yun Qing have a feeling now that this person is a scoundrel...

(End of this chapter)

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