The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 192: Into the cold palace and demoted to common people

Chapter 192: Into the cold palace and demoted to common people (2)
"I lost it by accident. What a coincidence. If you say this, no one will believe you." The queen said.

If Chu Feiyang said this now, no one would believe it.But he himself couldn't explain why this jade pendant appeared here by such a coincidence.

"Your Majesty, it's already clear that he killed the emperor's son. Your majesty, you must seek justice for the emperor!" The queen knelt down and cried while taking advantage of the situation.

"Your majesty, Feiyang will never kill the eldest son of the emperor. Please check it out! Feiyang was wronged." Concubine Xu Shu also cried.They did not do this, and they will never take the blame for this.

"Shut up, everyone." Hearing the crying and clamoring in the hall, the emperor felt annoyed for a while.The Queen and Concubine Xu Shu stopped immediately, both sobbing and crying.The queen was sad, and Concubine Xu Shu felt extremely wronged and wronged.The emperor glanced at Chu Feiyang who was kneeling below and said in a deep voice: "You said that your jade pendant was lost a few days ago, who can prove it."

"My son... No one knows about my son's loss of the jade pendant. When I lost the jade pendant, I thought that the jade pendant was given by my father. I was afraid that my father would find out that my son had lost the jade pendant and blame him, so I didn't Dare to show it off and go out." This happened so suddenly, Chu Feiyang didn't know that Yupei was still involved.That's the only way to answer.

"Your Majesty, this slave can prove...that this piece of Yupeiyue is not lost at all by His Royal Highness." At this time, a little eunuch in Concubine Xu Shu's Palace knelt on the ground and shouted.Concubine Xu Shu was stunned by these words.Looking at the little eunuch with cold eyes, he said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Your Majesty, this slave dare not lie. His Royal Highness the Prince of Yue County still wore this piece of jade pendant yesterday. Not only did this slave see it alone, but everyone in the palace saw it." The eunuch was not afraid of Concubine Xu Shu's coldness, and continued road.The maids and eunuchs in Concubine Xu Shu's palace looked at each other, and they all knelt down and said, "The servants did see that His Royal Highness Yuejun Wang was wearing this jade pendant yesterday. But the servants don't know why this jade pendant appeared on the imperial court. On the body of the eldest son, I don't even know how the eldest son of the in the palace of the empress."

"What else do you two have to say?" The emperor was furious.

If a slave said this, it could be said that he had been bribed, but all the slaves in Qiankun Palace testified.This thing can still be fake.

"Your Majesty, my concubine has been wronged."

"Father, my son and minister have been wronged."

Concubine Xu Shu's mother and son cried out in unison.

All of this was unexpected to them, and all the servants in the palace came out to testify.Concubine Xu Shu never thought of this.These people are servants in her palace!But her people!

"Mr. Xu has no virtue, and killed the emperor's heir. I think of the love between her husband and wife for many years. Mrs. Xu moved out of Qiankun Palace, and from today onwards, she will live in Leng Palace. I don't want to see you again in this life." After the words fell, Concubine Xu Shu's face sank. , with a mocking smile on his face.After so many years, she really thought that the emperor really doted on her and would believe her. In the end, the emperor still didn't believe her. The doting for so many years was only because she looked a bit like that person. !The emperor glanced at Chu Feiyang, who was kneeling on the ground, and said once again: "The king of Yue Jun doesn't care about his brothers and kills his elder brother. He is not worthy to be a prince. From today onwards, he will be demoted to a commoner." The emperor said solemnly: "Post the will out. Declare The world." The posting of this decree has sealed the life and death of Concubine Xu Shu, mother and son.From this moment, the Xu family is no longer Concubine Shu, and Chu Feiyang is no longer the King of Yuejun.

"Yes." The eunuch next to the emperor said.

Hearing this, the queen finally felt a little comforted.But as long as he thinks that his emperor is dead.But the emperor didn't kill the two of them directly, and the hatred in his heart surged up again.But it doesn't matter, from today onwards, this bitch is no longer Concubine Shu, and the emperor will no longer spoil her, she will slowly torture her in the future.

Soon, the news spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital.Hearing this news, the government and the public were shocked!

For a while, Concubine Xu Shu fell out of favor.The news that Yuejun Palace was sealed up made the capital talk about scriptures and morals.

And Chu Feiyang suddenly changed from a noble prince to a commoner, which also caused Chu Feiyang to suffer a lot of blows.When he was expelled from the palace, Chu Feiyang's eyes turned cold when he saw the sealed-up mansion.One day, he will come back, and one day this world will be in his hands!
Mufu.Yunqing Court.

"Miss, I just got the news that Duke Yue has been demoted to a commoner." Nong Yue hurried in to report.

"Oh!" Yun Qing smiled lightly, "It's a little faster than expected. Where is Chu Feiyang now?" This is what Yun Qing cares about. Next, she will give him a big gift.

"In a villa outside the city." Nongyue replied.Looking at Yun Qing again, he was puzzled and asked: "Miss, since the emperor has determined that the king of Yue Jun killed the eldest son of the emperor, why did he just demote him to a commoner?" Instead of killing him.

Yun Qing smiled and said: "Because the emperor has never cared about the life and death of the eldest son of the emperor. He even thinks that the eldest son of the emperor is a stain on his life. Therefore, the death of the eldest son means that the stain is gone for the emperor. But He had to give an explanation to the queen and the people of the world, so he had to severely punish Chu Feiyang. Another more important reason was that among the emperor's heirs, apart from the stupid eldest son and Chu Feiyang, there was only the second prince. King Qi and the third prince are now the King of Shou. Everyone knows that the second prince of Qi, Chu Feiyu, is ignorant all day long. , the biological mother is just a court lady. These two people are not liked by the emperor at all. Among the remaining princes, only Yue Wang Chu Feiyang is the best." And he is also the candidate for the prince in the emperor's heart.It's just strange that after so many years, the emperor has never appointed a prince.He is always on guard against Chu Feiyang.

"Miss, you're saying that the emperor's demoting King Yuejun to a commoner is actually just a cover-up. In the future, the emperor will re-canonize him as king."

"I will not give him such a chance." Yun Qing said: "Go and prepare, we will meet His Royal Highness Yue Wang."

(End of this chapter)

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