The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 198 Asking Yechen for Help

Chapter 198 Asking Yechen for Help (2)
"Qingqing is looking for me so anxiously, do you miss me?" Before seeing anyone, she heard Yechen's playful laughter.

Yun Qing remained silent, put down the teacup in his hand, and just raised his head to look at Ye Chen.With this glance, Yechen touched his forehead unconsciously, why did he feel that this girl didn't come to ask him for help, but to find fault.Look at that look, those who look at it are panicked.

"Qingqing, please don't look at me with such eyes." Ye Chen pouted.

"Since you're here, let's go." Yun Qing withdrew his eyes and said lightly.She still needs this guy's help, so let's not bother with him for now.


"See Chu Feiyang."

"No. He's not worthy for me to meet him in person." Ye Chen sat down.He thought that Qingqing was missing him in such a hurry, but who knew that Qingqing actually wanted him to see Chu Feiyang.Fortunately, he rushed over happily.

"Are you sure you don't want to go." Yun Qing frowned, looking at Ye Chen.It seems that as long as he refuses to go, some Yechen will suffer.

"No." Yechen refused without thinking.If he was asked to see Chu Feiyang, Chu Feiyang might not have the qualifications.

"Okay! If you don't go, you don't want to do business here. Just close the door." Yun Qing said.

"Qingqing's suggestion is not bad, anyway, it doesn't matter if the shop doesn't open." Ye Chen said indifferently.After closing this business, there are others.Anyway, he doesn't worry about money.

"Really?" Yun Qing curled his lips into a smile: "In that case, why don't I help you and burn this shop down for you. Hmm. Seeing that you are not short of money, why don't I do it? Some good deeds, how about helping you burn down all the shops under your name in the capital."

Yechen curled his lips, thought for a while, and suddenly felt that Qingqing's idea was good, and he was still thinking about why he would live in Qingqing's garden.It's all right now, Qingqing has found a good reason for him.This is simply wonderful. "Okay! If it burns, I'll move in and live with Qingqing."

Yun Qing gritted his teeth and looked at this indifferent man, and said angrily, "You really don't want to see Chu Feiyang."

"No." Yechen raised his eyebrows proudly.Say nothing.

From the time he knew Qingqing, Qingqing had been paying a lot of attention to Chu Feiyang, from the death of Mu Ze to the death of Tiannv, the eldest son of the emperor.These things are all because of a man named Chu Feiyang.Although Chu Feiyang suffered for doing this clearly, it still made him feel very uncomfortable.Sometimes he would think, is it because of what Qingqing did to Qingqing that Qingqing hated him so much.The reason why Qingqing hates him so much is nothing more than a word of love.But as long as he thought about whether Qingqing had a relationship with Chu Feiyang, he would feel unhappy.How many times, he wanted to find out whether Qingqing really had such a relationship with Chu Feiyang, but in the end, he was afraid, afraid that the results he found would make him even more unhappy.

"Yechen." Yun Qing gritted his teeth.

Seeing Yun Qing gritted his teeth, Yechen touched his nose. "It's fine if you want me to see Chu Feiyang, but Qingqing has to promise me three conditions."

"Okay." Yun Qing agreed without thinking about it.

"Qingqing promised so happily, don't you want to think about what I want Qingqing to do? Qingqing is not afraid that I will do something with Qingqing..."

"If you don't want to die, you can try it." Yun Qing gave Ye Chen a cold look and warned.

Ok!Looking at Qingqing's fierce eyes, he didn't dare!

"Qingqing, last time you promised to grill fish for me, you haven't done it yet. Today looks like a good day. Let's go to the wild and Qingqing grills fish for me." He still remembers this matter Woolen cloth.It was prepared last time, but I still haven't eaten it.

"I want to eat now." Yun Qing raised his head and looked at the sky outside. It's only the end of the day, and it hasn't been long since he had lunch. He is sure that he can eat.

"Yeah." Ye Chen nodded.He hasn't had lunch yet.

"Okay." Yun Qing took a breath, trying her best to hold back the anger in her heart.Now she has something to ask him for, she will bear it.

"Then let's go now." With Yun Qing's own consent, Ye Chen pulled Yun Qing up and walked out.After walking two steps, he stopped and ordered: "You are not allowed to follow." Then he grabbed Yun Qing's waist and flew directly from the window on the second floor and landed on the horse.He drove his horse and flew towards the gate of the city.

When Yechen stopped the horse, Yun Qing had no idea where he was.

"Where is this place?" Get off the horse and look at this beautiful place like a paradise.At first sight, Yun Qing fell in love with it.

"Qingqing is looking carefully, where is this place?" Ye Chen smiled.

Yun Qing is very sure that she has never been here before, and she has no impression of it at all.

"This is Lingyin Temple. Look there." Ye Chen smiled, pointing to the house on the mountain, Yun Qing looked in the direction Ye Chen pointed, and could vaguely see the shadow of the house. It's quite familiar.Yun Qing looked at another mountain peak across from Lingyin Temple, she remembered that it was that mountain peak that was full of violets.Yun Qing looked back at Ye Chen, "Don't you want to eat grilled fish? Why did you bring me here." That means, they had already come to Lingyin Temple fifty miles away.

"Of course I came here to eat grilled fish. I raise the fish here myself, and it's much more delicious than the fish outside." Ye Chen said.

Yun Qing curled her lips and glanced at Ye Chen. "Then why don't you hurry up and catch some fish." Could it be that you still wait for her to catch fish?

"Wait Qingqing, I'll catch some fish right away." Ye Chen said.

Yun Qing stood aside and watched, watching how this guy was going to catch the fish.Sure enough, it was unexpected, Yechen didn't take the usual way to catch a fish.I saw a splash of water in the river, and the fish in the river jumped up with the splash.That scene can be described as spectacular ah.

Yun Qing curled her lips, catching a fish also showed off her profound internal strength.Isn't it because of high martial arts and profound internal strength?There's nothing to brag about.

When the fish is processed, the fire is also raised.Not long after, there was a burst of fishy smell.

"Qingqing's grilled fish is different. It's delicious!" Yechen picked up the grilled fish, regardless of whether it had thorns or not, and began to eat it in big mouthfuls.Praise while eating.

If it tastes good, eat more.This delicacy is only available to you.

"Qingqing, you can eat too." Yechen, who quickly finished eating a fish, saw that Yunqing didn't move a single fish.He picked up one and handed it to Yun Qing.Yun Qing looked at the fish handed over and smiled lightly: "You like to eat, these are all for you."

Anyway, she won't eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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