The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 205 Heartless Gu

Chapter 205 Heartless Gu (2)
"Yechen, I'm sorry... I don't know about you... are you okay?" Seeing that Yechen didn't blame her for giving him laxatives.Instead, she put down her figure as Mr. Ye and ignored her still injured hand, cooked porridge to feed her, and took care of herself wholeheartedly. Yun Qing suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart.

"Qingqing has already said I'm sorry. There is no need to say it again. Just don't give me the fish with laxatives in the future... And ah! Can you stop taking that in the future... The water is splashing on me It's gone." Remembering the last time he took that water Qingqing, he couldn't eat for several days.

"Yeah." Yun Qing nodded and smiled lightly: "The water from last time was just a bucket of clean water." As for the water that Ye Chen mentioned?She was completely annoyed by Ye Chen at that time, so she deliberately said that to disgust him.Yunqingyuan is where she lives, how could she pour that water in the yard where she lives?Even if Yechen didn't feel sick, she would feel sick and die.

"So Qingqing was just joking with me that day."

"En." Yun Qing nodded.

Sure enough, he knew that Qingqing would not be so cruel to him.

"Yechen, the poison on your body..."

"Does Qingqing want to know? Qingqing wants to know, I am willing to tell Qingqing." Mentioning this, Ye Chen's eyes flickered coldly.

"If you don't want to say it, I will..." You don't have to listen.Looking at Ye Chen's expression, Yun Qing knew that behind the poisoning, there was a past that Ye Chen didn't want to recall.

"No. I am willing to tell Qingqing. But before that, I want Qingqing to understand one thing. From now on, I want to face Qingqing with my truest face. Including my heart for Qingqing, also Including who I am." Yun Qing was startled, Ye Chen's words were too sudden.Even if she was a fool, she would understand that Ye Chen was confessing his love to her!However, Yechen wanted her to see his face under the mask.What kind of face is hidden under Yechen's mask?

"No! Yechen, you're crazy." Lingyin rushed in and stopped Yechen's movements.Lingyin glanced at Yun Qing lying on the bed, and said angrily, "For her, do you want to kill yourself? Do you know that if your true identity is exposed, it will bring you what kind of suffering. Have you ever thought about it? When I saved you back then, I didn’t want you to die for a woman. Yechen, even if you fell in love with her, you believed her. But what if she doesn’t love you? If it leaked out, how many people are waiting to kill you, do you know?"

"Qingqing won't do that!"

"How do you know she won't? Have you forgotten what she did to you so quickly? Don't forget. She almost killed you." Lingyin really didn't want to hide Ye Chen The real identity, but Yechen's identity is too special.Once known, it will lead to endless killings.

"Qingqing didn't do it on purpose."

"Yechen, are you really crazy about being fascinated by her? Ask her yourself. If she knows who you are, will she love you?"

"Shut up." Yechen glanced at Lingyin and said angrily.

Yun Qing raised her eyebrows and looked at the two of them. Monk Lingyin didn't want her to know Ye Chen's true identity so much, so she became even more curious. She is a disabled person, and she can't run if she wants to, and she can't escape if she wants to, so she doesn't want to court death yet.Looking at the two of them, Yun Qing said calmly: "Have you two had enough quarrel? Go out when you have had enough quarrel. I want to rest."


"You guys go out. I'm going to rest." Yun Qing said, looked at Ye Chen again, and said lightly: "I don't want to know what your real identity is at all. And...don't fall in love with me. Then I will feel An obsession."

"Qingqing...what did you"

"Go out." Looking at Yechen Yunqing who was still standing there, he said again: "Lingyin is right, I am a cruel person, haven't you seen it before. So don't choose to believe me, and Don't fall in love with me."

At this moment, Yun Qing was very scared.She was afraid of the feeling of falling in love with someone.Fear of being betrayed after falling in love with someone.In the previous life, although the tragic love of that woman Mu Yunqing was not hers, she had the memory of the original owner Mu Yunqing, so she felt the same.

In this life, she yearns for family affection and friendship.But dare not expect love.Love is like a huge thorn, reminding her all the time.

"That's right, I've seen how Qingqing is cruel and merciless. So don't worry, Qingqing, I will never fall in love with you. Your injury is almost healed, and you don't need me to take care of you here." The previous moment was gentle Affectionate, the next moment you say something to turn your face, you will turn your face instantly.

"That's good." Yun Qing said calmly.But in my heart, I always felt that something was missing.

Seeing Yechen leave without looking back, a complex thought flashed in Yun Qing's eyes.Lingyin didn't expect things to turn out like this, so she sighed softly.Ye Chen had been infected with the poison of 'Unfeeling Gu', so he would cut off love, and if he wanted to fall in love with someone, he would only hurt himself.

Yun Qingqing glanced at Lingyin, raised her eyebrows and said, "I heard what you said, can my blood really cure Yechen's poison?"

"You...heard everything?" Ling Yin looked at Yun Qing in a daze.

Yun Qing didn't answer Lingyin's question. It doesn't matter whether she heard everything, what matters is how much blood Yechen needs from her.Besides, she was groggy at the time, so she could only hear the previous point.She didn't hear clearly the conversation between Yechen and Lingyin later.

"How much blood do you need to save Yechen, I'll give it to you!" If true, her blood could save Yechen's life.Then use her blood to pay back what I owed Yechen.But the premise is that she gave it voluntarily.

"Are you really willing?" Lingyin admired this woman a little at this moment, and seemed to understand why Yechen had fallen in love with her despite being hit by the 'Unfeeling Gu'.This woman is ruthless and reckless about the consequences, but she is a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

"Yes. I am willing to give it." Yun Qing said.

(End of this chapter)

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