Chapter 207 Its origin (2)
"Thank you, master, for reminding me. I will be careful."

After hearing what Lingyin said, she would naturally be careful in the future.She doesn't want to be stared at by people from all over the world due to this sudden identity, and she doesn't have the ability to fight against other countries now.Naturally, this troublesome identity will not be leaked.

Lingyin looked at Yun Qing and smiled.He sighed helplessly.I just came in to stop him from doing something wrong.If I hadn't come in just now, maybe things wouldn't have turned into what they are now.Ye Chen was ruthlessly rejected by this girl. According to his temperament, he might never see this girl again in the future.But things have happened, and they cannot be undone.Lingyin told Yun Qing to take a good rest, and then left the room with the blood Yun Qing gave just now.

On the second day, Yechen did not come, and Yun Qing saw that her injury was not a serious problem.After talking to Lingyin, Yun Qing went back.

Watching Yun Qing leave, Lingyin looked at the man in white standing beside him, and said with a smile: "Boy, you are lucky. It was a blessing in disguise to meet such a girl who values ​​love and righteousness. If you like her, hurry up and chase her." .”

He can still tell at such an old age, this girl said that Yechen should not fall in love with her.A look of refusal to be thousands of miles away.But deep down, maybe she didn't even know that she was already in love with this kid.Otherwise, he wouldn't use his own blood as an antidote for this kid.

"..." Yechen glanced coolly at Lingyin.

Lingyin snorted softly and raised her eyebrows: "Don't blame the monk for not reminding you. This girl is the real goddess. If someone knows her identity..." Ye had already disappeared before she finished speaking. Chen's figure.Watching Yechen leave, Lingyin sighed: "I don't know, because your arrival will cause more blood and blood. Is this world going to be chaotic after all?"

As soon as Yun Qing arrived at the foot of the mountain, he saw Ye Chen in white clothes and a mask standing in front of him.Yun Qing is not a woman of this era, she just hides her love after being confessed.Seeing Yechen standing in front of her, Yun Qing walked over casually as if nothing had happened.He said lightly: "Why are you here? Didn't you go down the mountain a long time ago?"

"You were brought by me, so of course I brought you back." Ye Chen said.The tone was quite different from before, with a hint of indifference. "Get on the horse."

Yun Qing pouted.What a cool thing to pretend.Yesterday I was planning to confess my love to myself, but today I suddenly became indifferent.Even if you can't be a lover, you can still be a cooperative friend.Besides, she is injured now, how can she ride back on horseback.Comprehend the fragrance and cherish the jade if you don't understand!
Seeing that Yun Qing had no intention of getting on the horse, Ye Chen said coolly, "You plan to walk back like this."

Yun Qing swept the extremely psychic horse in distaste, pointed at it and asked, "I'm injured now, do you think I can ride a horse?" Even if I rode back to the capital, I'm probably not far from death up.

"Know that your injury has not healed, so don't walk around."

"I've already sent a message to Nongyue. I don't need you to take me back." Of course she wouldn't be so stupid as to walk back with her feet.It's fifty miles away from the capital.But she will not ride back even more.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before seeing Nongyue driving a carriage over.

"Miss, are you okay?" As soon as she received the news last night, she hurried over.

"I'm fine. Let's go." Saying that, Yun Qing got into the carriage.Just as he sat down, Yechen also came up.Yun Qing looked at Ye Chen and said, "Aren't you riding a horse? Are you still riding a carriage?"

"I have injuries on my body, so I'm not suitable for riding a horse." Ye Chen said lightly.Indeed, she was the one who stabbed Yechen with the knife, and the wound on his hand was also to prevent Lingyin from hurting her.Yun Qing pursed her lips, and ordered: "Nongyue, let's go." The carriage slowly headed towards the capital.

Because both Yun Qing and Ye Chen were injured, Nong Yue drove the carriage much slower.The atmosphere in the carriage was silent for a moment, Yun Qing leaned aside as soon as he got into the carriage, and closed his eyes.Ignore Yechen who is standing aside.

"I thought you would kill me in anger knowing the real purpose of my approaching you." Ye Chen looked at Yun Qing who closed his eyes and ignored him and said calmly.

Yun Qing still didn't open her eyes when she heard Ye Chen's words, she just curled her lips into a smile, and said lightly: "If it happened in the past, I would have killed you without hesitation."

"Since this is the case, why didn't you do it? And gave Lingyin your blood?"

Yun Qingyou suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at Yechen, and smiled softly: "Although you approached me for a purpose, you never hurt me. I'm not a bloodthirsty person. I won't kill you every day. Shouting for beating and killing. Besides..." Yun Qing looked at Ye Chen seriously and raised his eyebrows with a smile, "Besides, we are now a partnership. If I kill you, wouldn't it be a big loss for me?"

"Really?" Ye Chen said lightly.It turned out that in Qingqing's eyes, they were just a cooperative relationship.But that's fine too.

"Yes." Yun Qing replied: "You have helped me a few times, and I will pay you back your life. From then on, we will not owe each other."

"If Qingqing's blood is not an antidote at all, what are you going to use to repay the life you owe me?" Ye Chen said.Yun Qing curled her lips and glanced at Ye Chen.this?She really didn't think about it.If her blood doesn't work, it seems like she won't be able to repay the favor she owed Yechen.But she is not the kind of person who owes favors and never repays them.Yun Qing looked at Yechen seriously and said: "If my blood can't cure your poison, I will find the antidote for you after I finish the things I want to do in the capital. Whether it is the end of the world or the corner of the world, I will definitely find the antidote for you. But the premise Yes... you must live during these days."

"Okay. With Qingqing's words, I will definitely live a good life. I will definitely help Qingqing finish what Qingqing wants to do in the capital."

"En." Yun Qing nodded.

After experiencing this incident, the two got to know each other again.All the past, the distrust between the two of them were all put aside, and dissipated like a passing cloud.Maybe it was really like what Lingyin said, because of this incident, it was a blessing in disguise.The two began to build trust again.

(End of this chapter)

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