The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 223 The Wang Family's Decision

Chapter 223 The Wang Family's Decision (4)
However, what Qing girl said is right now.If the military power will be handed over sooner or later, it is better to take this opportunity to hand over the military power. For his sake of calming the chaos, the emperor dare not move around for the time being.And what's next?Wang Qingshan looked at Yun Qing, and he suddenly realized that maybe starting with Qing girl can change.

After discussing what to do in three days, Yun Qing breathed a sigh of relief.It's almost over.

Yiluoyuan, the yard where Yunqing's mother lived.

"Qingqing likes this place very much?" Seeing Yunqing looking at the flowers, plants and trees in the yard, Chu Limo whispered softly.

"En." Yun Qing nodded, "This is the yard where my mother lived. Seeing the grass and trees here, it seems that I can see what my mother was like when she lived here."

"Qingqing likes it, and we can often come back and live for a while in the future."

Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo, frowned and said, "Even if I want to come back to live in the future, it's not with you."

"Okay, if it's not Qingqing and me, then just replace it with me and Qingqing."

Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Limo. Some words were poor. Does it make any difference?

"Cousin." At this time, Wang Zixuan and Wang Ziqing came over.

"Cousin." Yun Qing nodded and smiled lightly.She knew that with the cleverness of the two cousins, they would definitely find them.

"It seems that my cousin has not finished her words." Wang Ziqing said.

"Yes." Yun Qing nodded.Looking at Wang Zixuan, he said with a faint smile: "With the intelligence of my eldest cousin, why not have an official position in the court. But it is because the Wang family is too special, and it has buried all the talents of my eldest cousin." However, if grandpa surrenders his military power, big cousin is willing to give it a try and take the prime minister's exam."

Ever since Mu Yuanfeng was canonized as Lord Marquis, the position of Prime Minister has been vacant, and now the Tai Tuo is temporarily holding it.But this is not a long-term solution.The emperor originally wanted to choose a talented prime minister at the Qionghua Banquet.But what happened to Chu Feiyang and Mu Shuiwan happened.The matter of the prime minister also ran aground.But later the emperor ordered that in October, the emperor would personally take the exam, and those who passed the test would be the candidates for the prime minister, the head of the hundred officials.

"Cousin is a good idea. Brother, it's up to you." Wang Ziqing said with a smile.This cousin is really getting smarter.Things are becoming more and more stable.But it's a pity about the marriage...

Thinking of this, Wang Ziqing looked at Chu Limo beside him.This person is also from the Chu family, but they didn't avoid him in their conversation just now. Did my cousin trust this King Li?
"En." Wang Zixuan nodded.

The Wang family is indeed too special.Without military power, the emperor will only temporarily stop doing anything, but it will be difficult to say after a long time.But if the Wang family has a prime minister at this time, the emperor can't go too far.

"Two cousins, when the matter here is over, I will go to Xiyue. At that time, grandpa will ask you to take care of it. I also need to ask my cousin to write a letter for uncle and let him know."

Yun Qing's uncle was guarding a place called Jicheng on the border of Xiyue, and she had to go through Jicheng to go to Xiyue.And she is not familiar with Jicheng and Xiyue, and she still needs the help of her uncle when she gets there.

"Cousin, what are you going to Xiyue for?" Wang Zixuan asked worriedly.The cousin is smart but she is a girl after all, Xiyue is far away from the capital, and it is the border of another country.How can they rest assured without their relatives by their side.

Find the real murderer of her mother.

But at this time, Yun Qing couldn't tell them.The cousins ​​know about it, and they will definitely not allow her to go.Even if it is allowed, they will definitely follow.But the capital still needs them, the Wang family still needs them, and grandpa still needs them.

"Qingqing and I heard that there is an antidote to my poison in Xiyue, and we are going to see if it is true." At this time, Chu Limo said, "By the way, I can have a good time with Qingqing." Cultivate a relationship."

Chu Limo opened his mouth to explain at this time, and Yun Qing expressed his gratitude.Nodding by default, what Chu Limo said is true.

"Cousin, are you sure you're ready to go?" In fact, Wang Zixuan and Wang Ziqing wanted to ask, cousin, you agreed to accompany Chu Limo to find the antidote, are you really planning to marry him?

"En." Yun Qing nodded.

Xiyue, she must go.Because both Mu Xu and Cheng Yue had mentioned that what really killed her mother was a poison called 'Li Hun San' from Xiyue.So, no matter what, she must go.

But what Chu Limo said was true. He was indeed looking for an antidote, and he was looking for Xiyue's "Lihun San". It is said that Xiyue has three of the most poisonous poisons.If he can find it, maybe he can get rid of the Jueqing powder on his body.

"Okay. Cousin, don't worry, I'll fix the books for dad right away." Wang Zixuan said.

"Cousin, you take this. If you need anything, take this jade pendant to the Jicheng Inn to find the shopkeeper there. I will also inform the people in the nearby towns of Jicheng." Wang Ziqing handed over a black jade pendant Give it to Yun Qingdao.

Yun Qing nodded and smiled lightly, "Thank you cousin." She took the jade pendant that Wang Ziqing handed her.This should be the same as the jade pendant that Yechen gave her back then.Holding it makes things much more convenient.

"Silly girl." Wang Ziqing pampered Yun Qing's head.

This touch is not good, Chu Limo sulked, took away Wang Ziqing's hand that was touching Yun Qing's head, and said in a sour and domineering tone: "I will protect Qingqing's safety, don't worry about it. And Ah! Qingqing is mine, even if you are Qingqing's cousin, you can't touch Qingqing."

Chu Limo's face was indifferent, and he hated his cousins ​​the most.

If it wasn't for the sake of Qingqing's cousin, I really wanted to cut off Qingqing's hand.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched: Is this girl having a convulsion again?

(End of this chapter)

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