The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 241 I was followed as soon as I left the capital

Chapter 241 I was followed as soon as I left the capital (1)
On the road in the suburbs of Beijing, a large and comfortable carriage drove slowly.Sitting in the carriage was a handsome boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, and an uncle who seemed to be paralyzed.In front is the carriage driven by Ruthless.There was another carriage behind the carriage, and the carriage was driven by Nonghua Nongyue Xiaoxiao and the others.It was full of what Chu Limo brought, food, use, and various things.

Seeing Chu Limo bring so many things, Yun Qing could only twitch helplessly.Sure enough, he is a prince who can't bear hardships.

The young man was Yun Qing who dressed as a man, and the uncle with a paralyzed face was naturally Chu Limo.It wasn't that Yun Qing insisted on Chu Limo dressing up as an uncle, it was because Chu Limo's face was too monstrous and too ostentatious, no matter how he dressed it was very eye-catching, so there was no other way, Yun Qing had no choice but to make him a It looks like an uncle.This looks a bit vicissitudes.This is like a person who has been in the rivers and lakes for a long time.

Chu Limo expressed that he was very depressed, and it was not his fault that he was handsome.Why did Qingqing dress him up like this?Could it be that she has a clear taste and likes men like uncles?Thinking about it this way, I feel that it is not bad to pretend to be an uncle.Since Qingqing likes it, then be an uncle.

The capital is at least a month away from Xiyue.But if you hurry up, it will only take ten days to arrive.But seeing that Chu Limo brought so many things, it filled a whole carriage.Don't mention how angry Yun Qing was, this bastard Chu Limo didn't go to Xiyue, he probably went to visit the mountains and rivers.

The carriage drove for three days, but the carriage was always circling around the capital, not far from the capital at all.It is only two hundred miles away from the capital, and the place where they are staying and resting is Qingshan County.

Yun Qing and his group went to Xiyue in a low-key way.Except for the grandfather's family, Sister Su, Sister Feng, and now Chu Limo, everyone in the capital knew that Mu Yunqing had been burned to death along with the fire.But my grandfather won't say it, and my cousins ​​are also very smart to know the seriousness of the matter and won't let it out.As for Sister Su and Sister Feng, they are smart people and will never harm her.Then only Chu Limo in the carriage was left, but Yun Qing was sure that Chu Limo would not do this.But apart from these people, the only one who can have such a great ability in the capital is the current emperor.Yun Qing thought to himself: Could it be that the old emperor knew about her suspended animation?

Yun Qing was confident that he had done a good job of feigning death, and no one had discovered it, so the old emperor wouldn't know how smart he was so quickly.But she couldn't figure out what went wrong, they were followed all the way just after they left the capital.Although the person who followed them followed them at a distance, they have been following their carriage for the past three days.And it is also obvious that it is the tail following from the capital.

But for Yun Qing, being followed all the way from the capital, and she still doesn't know who is following her, this is a great shame!

It is precisely because of this that the carriage has been circling around the capital.She just wanted to see who was following her.

Now that he arrived in Qingshan County, Yun Qing happened to leave in no hurry.Anyway, things are in a hurry, and she is not bad for a day or two.The most important thing now is to find out who is following them behind their backs.

Yun Qing and his party stayed in the Qingshan Inn.The last time Yun Qing came to Qingshan to rescue Nongyue, he was dressed in men's clothing, so the shopkeeper in Qingshan Inn recognized Yunqing as a distinguished guest at a glance.He hurriedly went out to greet him with a respectful smile.

"Mr. Yunyin is here. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please come inside." The innkeeper in the Qingshan Inn did not dare to offend this lady easily. No, it should be said that it was the master. Let me tell you, I have to call her Mr. Yunyin from now on.It is even more forbidden to reveal the identity of her woman.What happened last time is still vivid.He has seen this master's cruelty, not to mention, this master has a long friendship with his master.Maybe it's the future master's wife.

(End of this chapter)

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