Chapter 245
Ever since Chu Liyou joined in, they were singing and laughing along the way.From time to time, Yun Qing's laughter could be heard in the carriage.Another few days passed, and after several days of continuous driving, everyone was a little tired along the way.Now they need to find an inn and have a good rest.

"Wu Qing, how long until the next town?" In the carriage, Chu Liyou raised the curtain and asked.

"Returning to Miss. There are dozens of miles to the next town. I won't be able to make it to the city tonight." Looking at the sky that was already getting dark, he replied ruthlessly.

Chu Liyou glanced at the scenery outside, it was in the wilderness.Those who don't go to the village and don't go to the store, are they going to sleep in this wilderness tonight?
Yun Qing smiled helplessly.It was no wonder that Chu Liyou had a sad face.Although she didn't grow up in a place like the imperial palace, she grew up under the care of her elder brother and the old magician Lingyin.For this younger sister and the only apprentice, the two inevitably spoiled her a bit.Besides, it was also the first time for Chu Liyou to travel far.It's been a few days, and tonight is also the first time that I might have to sleep in the wild.It is inevitable that she is not used to it.Yun Qing smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if you want to live in the barren mountains, I will accompany you."

"Am I very useless, and I'm afraid to live in the wild."

"It's human nature to be afraid. Don't worry, I'm here, don't be afraid. You sleep with me tonight. Nothing will happen." Yun Qing said.He also looked at Chu Limo who was paralyzed along the way, and said, "Tonight you and Wuqing will take turns keeping vigil." It's not that Yun Qing insists on instructing Chu Limo, the noble master, but that the group of them also There are only two elders, Chu Limo and Wuqing, of course, she doesn't count.Besides, it was Chu Limo himself who said that if he was going to sleep in the wild, he would keep watch at night.So if such a good servant doesn't use it, it's simply "excessive collection of natural things"!

"My lord, there is a ruined temple in front." A ruthless voice came out.

"It's reassuring, I don't have to sleep outside tonight. I'm lucky to have a ruined temple that can shelter me from the wind." Yun Qing looked at the two people in the carriage and said, "Let's rest here tonight." Chu Liyou nodded .There is really no choice but to rest here.

"It's fine if Qingqing thinks it's good." Chu Limo's warm eyes looked at Yun Qing who didn't take Chu Liyou seriously at all, and completely regarded Chu Liyou's sister as air.

Chu Liyou, who was watching with his brother's small eyes, had goosebumps all over his body.But these days she has gotten used to it.When Wuqing stopped the carriage, Chu Liyou hurriedly got out of the carriage.If she doesn't come down, her narrow-minded brother will stare at her to death.

Chu Liyou got off the carriage, and Yun Qing naturally followed suit.She didn't want to look at Chu Limo's paralyzed face.

"Qingqing, let Li You take the carriage in the back tomorrow." Yun Qing was about to get off the carriage when Chu Limo grabbed her with one hand.Unexpectedly, Yun Qing threw herself on Chu Limo, and the two had an intimate contact.But Yun Qing almost got knocked on the nose.But Chu Limo quickly protected Yun Qing's nose, and the two had such an unpleasant kiss in the carriage.

"Chu Limo, what are you doing?" Yun Qing got up angrily, and glared at the smiling man who was the culprit.Does this bastard know that she almost knocked her nose crookedly?

"Qingqing promise me first."

"What?" Yun Qing glared at Chu Limo angrily.

"Let Liyou take the carriage in the back tomorrow." Chu Limo said once.He didn't let go of Yun Qing's hand, as if Yun Qing didn't agree, he wouldn't let go.

(End of this chapter)

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