Chapter 248
"The medicine is gone." Wuqing said.

There is no more medicine.Why is there no medicine at this time.How did Yun Qing know that the medicines that Nangong Jin gave to Chu Limo were all very precious medicinal materials, some of which were even extinct, and it was already very rare to be able to manufacture these medicines.

"Get out." Yun Qing's tone suddenly turned cold.Everyone didn't understand what Yun Qing meant at this time, they were stunned for a moment.Seeing them in a daze, Yun Qing said coldly: "Go out, don't come in without my order."

She didn't know if Chu Limo would go crazy like last time after a while.But once Chu Limo goes crazy, no one here can beat him.


"Yun Qing."

Several people shouted in unison.

"Get out, quickly. If you don't want him to die, get out quickly."

"Miss can save the master."

"Trust me and go out." Yun Qing said.

At that moment, seeing Yun Qing's firm tone, they suddenly believed that this woman could be saved.The few hurriedly listened to Yun Qing's order and went out to wait outside.

" go out too. I'm afraid I can't help but hurt you later."

"Chu Limo, stand up for me. Remember, you can't die. You promised me and grandpa that you will protect me on the way to Xiyue. So you can't have anything to do." Yun Qing said.

He took out the dagger and cut down on his arm.The old spirit stick of Lingyin said that her blood can cure Chu Limo's poison, so she will take a gamble.

Yun Qing helped Chu Limo who was lying on the ground trembling, put the cut hand towards his lips, let Chu Limo's lips stick to her arm, and the blood flowed down Chu Limo's lips drop by drop. go down.As soon as the blood entered Chu Limo's mouth, it seemed that a steady stream of blood passed through Chu Limo's mouth.Touching Yun Qing's blood, Chu Limo's trembling body seemed to gradually calm down.

And Yun Qing's face became paler and paler.Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo's calm face, sure enough, her blood was still useful, and Lingyin did not lie to her. "Chu Limo! Remember, don't die."

The people outside the ruined temple were also waiting anxiously, but it had been a long time, and there was no movement inside.Everyone's hearts are getting more and more chaotic, more and more chaotic.

"No, I want to go in and have a look." After waiting for so long and nothing happened, Chu Liyou was really worried.Hastily rushed in.

But when he went in and took a look, Yun Qing fell to the ground and passed out, his face was still very pale.The elder brother also fell to the ground with a calm expression on his face.But what happened to the blood on the ground and the blood on my brother's mouth.

"Brother. Yun Qing." Chu Liyou yelled loudly in the ruined temple.

The next day, when Yun Qing woke up, everyone was nervous and looked at her cautiously.Yun Qing opened his eyes, and the memory of last night flashed in his mind again.Fortunately, she was lucky, and she won the bet.

"Yun Qing, how do you feel?" It was Chu Liyou's caring voice.Yun Qing wanted to move his body, but found that he had no strength at all.

"Miss, don't move. You need to rest now. You lost a lot of blood last night. But you scared the slaves to death." It was Xiaoxiao's voice.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Yun Qing smiled slightly, looked at Chu Liyou, and asked, "Where's your brother? How is he?" This is what Yun Qing is very concerned about now, and now Chu Limo has drunk her Has the poison in the body been detoxified?
"Brother is fine. Thanks to you for saving him. Brother went to the mountains early in the morning to gather medicine for you." Last night, she was really scared to death.But she really didn't expect that Yun Qing would drink her own blood for her brother, and her brother would be fine after drinking it.

"Qingqing." I saw Chu Limo walking over with an unknown herb in his hand.Yun Qing Ding Qing saw that she knew that kind of grass, which is said to have the effect of nourishing blood.Chu Limo gave the blood-enriching medicine to Nongyue for disposal.

"Are you alright?" Yun Qing asked after glancing at Chu Limo.Now she wants to know if his poison has been cured after she contributed so much blood.

"Qingqing risked his life to save me, how dare I have something to do." Chu Limo touched Yunqing's face and said distressedly: "How can you be so stupid, believe Lingyin's words and give me your own blood to drink. What if I What if your blood is sucked dry?" Thinking about it now, he felt very scared.

Yun Qing smiled slightly, "You know, I've always been lucky."

"Miss, drink it quickly." Soon, Nongyue came over with the bowl of porridge with blood tonic.Fortunately, they still had some dry food in their carriage.Otherwise, they really don't know where to find some rice to cook porridge.

Yun Qing didn't hesitate, and reached out to pick it up.She really needs to make up for it now.

"Give it to me." Chu Limo took the bowl of porridge, "I'll feed Qingqing."

Someone did it for him, and Yun Qing didn't refuse.She sacrificed so much to save him.

After breakfast, although Yun Qing didn't recover so quickly, she still had some strength.

"How far is it from the next town?" Yun Qing asked.

"There are still more than 100 miles to go." He replied ruthlessly. "There is a small county town ten miles ahead."

"Qingqing, you need to take a good rest now, we're leaving for this county now. When Qingqing recovers, we're leaving for Xiyue."

"En." Yun Qing nodded.She really can't hurry now.If this appearance came in front of my uncle, it wouldn't scare my uncle and aunt to death.

After tidying up, the few of them headed towards the next county town.Regardless of Yun Qing's refusal, Chu Limo carried Yun Qing into the carriage.He also sent Chu Liyou to the carriage behind.But this time Chu Liyou also listened to Chu Limo's words.Nonghua Nongyue and Xiaoxiao squeezed into a carriage.

The carriage was moving very slowly, for fear of hurting the woman in the carriage.

"Has your poison been cured?" On the carriage, Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and asked indifferently.Just now Chu Limo clearly knew the question he asked, but he avoided answering it all the time.

"'Jueqing San' is the most strange poison in the world." That faint sentence had already given Yun Qing the answer he wanted.

yes!How could the "Unfeeling Powder" of the most poisonous poison be solved so easily.The old spirit stick of Lingyin also said that all her blood is needed to detoxify this poison.But that might not work either!

After getting the answer she wanted, Yun Qing leaned on the carriage and gently closed her eyes.

Chu Limo stretched out his hand and touched Yun Qing's face lightly, "Silly girl, don't be so stupid in the future. If something happens to you, what's the use of me getting rid of the poison. In this world without you, it's better to be alive." died!"

(End of this chapter)

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