The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 256 Encountering bandits in a game of gambling

Chapter 256
"En." Yun Qing's faint voice came from the carriage. "Let's go into town."

The carriage drove slowly.No one knows that the danger is gradually approaching them.

In front of the road, a group of big men were waiting to hide on both sides of the mountain.

"Brother, a big deal is coming."

"Tell the brothers to get ready. When the carriage approaches, grab all the things in the carriage." The leader said.

Watching the carriage get closer and closer...

in the carriage.

"Murderous." Yun Qing pursed his lips and smiled.It seems that nothing happened along the way, but when we approached Jicheng, we encountered bandits.She had also heard that there was a group of rampant bandits in Huiyang County, but she didn't expect that they would be so unlucky that they would run into them.

"Qingqing, what should we do?" Chu Limo asked with a paralyzed face.

"Do you want to fight, or do you want to retreat?" Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo, who was paralyzed.

"Does Qingqing want to fight?" Anyway, Chu Limo didn't pay attention to these bandits.

At this time, when the fight started, there were at least dozens of people outside.They may not win or lose, but they will definitely suffer.Because apart from ruthlessly flirting with flowers and moons, Chu Liyou is just a three-legged cat.At this time, Xiaoxiao was completely in a state of reluctance, and she, because of Chu Limo's poisonous hair, hadn't passed for a long time.Although she is not seriously injured now, she has not adjusted yet and is an injured person.She can do it, but I heard that these bandits are all strong in martial arts, so she may not be able to get advantage from them.Not to mention meeting these desperate people.Chu Liyou, who only has three-legged cat skills, and Xiaoxiao, who only knows two self-defense skills, will have to wait to die if no one protects them.

Seeing that the murderous intent was getting closer and closer, they were about to become the lunch of the bandits before deciding.

"Then let's rush over." In the carriage, Yun Qing frowned, and said in a cold tone, "Ruqing, no matter what you encounter ahead, rush over for me."

"Yes." Wuqing said.It's ready.

"Brother, something is wrong. Did they find something?" The big man on the side shouted as he watched the carriage suddenly run wildly.

"It doesn't matter whether something is wrong or not. Tell the brethren to prepare to do something." The leader of the bandits ordered.

Watching the carriage drive over at a fast speed, a cloud of dust was raised on the mountain road.The leader of the bandits said: "Do it." With an order, stones rolled down from the mountain one by one, blocking the road of the carriage.

"Rush over." Yun Qing said.

"Stop them. Shoot the arrows," the bandit leader ordered.A burst of arrows flew towards the carriage.

The horse suddenly ran wildly and restlessly, and the carriage suddenly lost its balance and turned over to the ground.The carriage that Chu Liyou was sitting in also stopped.

"Go down." Seeing this scene, the bandit leader smiled triumphantly.Dozens of people surrounded the carriage.

"Brother, by now, they must all be dead. Their carriage is quite luxurious, and it is worth a lot of money at first glance. Let's send it."

"It's worthless." The bandit leader cursed with a smile.Indeed, it was the first time for a businessman who had robbed so many people to see such a luxurious carriage.You can tell it's worth a lot at first glance.

"Go and see if they are dead. If they are dead, move these things back." Seeing that there was no movement in the carriage.The bandit leader spoke.There was no doubt that these people were still alive.

"Bang." The carriage suddenly fell apart.Chu Limo, who was dressed in white, suddenly flew out with Yun Qing in his arms and slowly landed on the ground.Wuqing in the carriage also flew out after him.

(End of this chapter)

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