Chapter 258
Chu Limo didn't stop until the gang of bandits couldn't catch up.

"Chu Limo, it hurts!" Yun Qing hissed behind the horse.

"Qingqing..." Chu Limo turned around to take a look, only to see that Yun Qing had been shot in the back by an arrow.At this moment, it was already dark, and the city gate of Huiyang County had already been closed. At this time, it was impossible for them to enter the city.What's more, there is still some distance from Huiyang County.Chu Limo found a cave where he could take shelter temporarily.Carefully carried Yun Qing off the horse, "Qingqing, don't be afraid!"

Yun Qing opened his eyes and looked at Chu Limo. There were really twists and turns along the way.

"Qingqing...Qingqing, how are you doing?" Chu Limo cried out distressedly.

"I'm fine, help me pull out the arrow." Yun Qing couldn't help but look at the sky speechlessly, why was she so unlucky, her health was just recovering a few days ago, now, she was hit by an arrow again.Fortunately, not bad luck, the arrow was not smeared with an instantly fatal poison.But if the arrow is not pulled out immediately, the poisonous gas will enter the internal organs, and she will also die.

This is also the reason why they are rampant in this area.

"If they dare to hurt Qingqing, they should be crushed." Chu Limo said coldly.Seeing that arrow was on Qingqing's back, Chu Limo was distressed and blamed himself, Qingqing must be in pain, knowing they had arrows at that time, how could she let Qingqing sit behind.

"Chu Limo, help me pull out the arrow." Yun Qing said, enduring the pain.It really fucking hurts!Next time she meets the bastard who shot her with an arrow, she must avenge that arrow.

"Qingqing, if it hurts you, bite me." Chu Limo stretched his other hand to Yun Qing's mouth.The other hand caught the arrow.

Yun Qing nodded: "Pull it out." He had already clenched his teeth.

At the same time, I was glad that the arrow didn't penetrate to the other side, otherwise, in this backward ancient times, drawing a sword was a dangerous thing, and now there is not only no disinfectant, but also no medicine to treat sword wounds, and she would definitely die.Fortunately, the arrow only hit her back shoulder, as long as it was pulled out, Chu Limo would help her stop the bleeding.As long as she gets through tonight, she'll be in town tomorrow.Let Nongyue get rid of the poison, and she will be fine.

"Qingqing, bite me if it hurts." Chu Limo gently and gently comforted him.With the other hand, he pulled out the arrow ruthlessly and quickly.The moment it was pulled out, blood splashed all over Chu Limo.Yun Qing gritted her teeth tightly, trying to suppress the slightest sound.But the moment the arrow was pulled out, pain spread all over his body, Yun Qing yelled, opened his mouth and bit Chu Limo's hand.Chu Limo's hand really suffered, because at this moment, Yun Qing bit Chu Limo's hand and refused to let go, with a painful expression on his face.

The arrow was pulled out, and Chu Limo tapped Yun Qing's hemostasis.He wanted to use his skills to force out the poison in Yun Qing's body.

"No, you used your skills to force the poison out for me. What should you do if your poison is released?" Yun Qing grabbed Chu Limo's hand and shook her head. She couldn't let Chu Limo do this.Once there is no internal force to suppress him for himself, the medicine given by Nangong Jin will also be gone.At that time, Chu Limo will definitely go crazy.

"Qingqing, if you don't force the poison out, you will..."

"Even if you die, you can't lose your life. Chu Limo, don't let me owe you a life. Then even if I get well, I will hate myself." Yun Qing said firmly.

"I don't care, anyway, I can't let Qingqing have trouble." After saying that, Chu Limo used his kung fu to suppress Yunqing's poison in his body.A hot current poured into Yun Qing's body.

(End of this chapter)

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