The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 266 Master Nine Becomes a Thief

Chapter 266 Master Jiu became a thief (1)
Huiyang Inn.

"The news has been spread according to the order of the lady. But just as we spread the news, a cold-faced hero suddenly appeared. This cold-faced hero who suddenly appeared seemed to know what we were going to do. The head of the county magistrate's uncle has been hung at the gate of the county government." Nong Hua reported.

"Oh!" Yun Qing said softly: "That's really interesting. Have you found out who this person is?"

"Wuqing has already gone down to investigate. But no one has seen the true face of this cold-faced hero. So things are a little tricky." Nonghua replied.

Yun Qing curled his lips into a smile, looked at Chu Limo, and said lightly: "It seems that someone wants to compete with you for the reputation of this 'cold-faced' hero. Don't you want to know who this 'cold-faced' hero is?" ?” She is very curious now, who is it? The news about them has just spread, and that person has quickly become familiar with their intentions and quickly started to do it.

"It's best for him not to miss this young master's affairs, otherwise, no matter who he is, this young master will never let him go." Chu Limo said coldly.All he needs to do now is to find the antidote, and everything else is none of his business.

At night, the entire Huiyang County is quiet.But at this moment, the residence of Huiyang county magistrate is not so quiet.

In the morning, the head was hung in the county government office.Even if he is living in Huiyang County, he can't take his own life as a trifling matter.

At this moment, the mansion where the county magistrate lives is heavily guarded.The county magistrate and his wife and son hid in the room and dared not come out or fall asleep.I'm afraid that when I fall asleep, I won't be able to wake up.

"It's all your fault! It's nothing to be a good official. You have to do something that hurts the sky and reason. It's okay now, you killed my elder brother, and now you want to kill our mother and son, don't you?" the woman complained.Holding a child who is only seven or eight years old in his hand.

"You woman, what are you arguing about? If you insist on attracting that person, you will know the consequences. Now you know to blame me, why didn't you say it when there was money to be made." The county magistrate cursed angrily.He kept turning around in the room to cover up the fear in his heart now.

"Father, mother. I'm sleepy." The boy who was only seven or eight years old said sleepily.

"Why are you sleepy? Why are you sleeping at this time?" The county magistrate was upset and cursed.

The child didn't understand anything, and when he heard his father's scolding, he began to cry while wiping away his tears.

"Cry, cry, you know how to cry when you cry. At this time, you want to kill your father, don't you?"

"You are so fierce, what does he know as a child." The woman accused.

At this moment, another room in the magistrate's mansion.

A masked figure in black flew across the night sky as lightly as a swallow, and landed steadily on the roof.Hearing the noise in the room, the person on the roof hooked his lips and smiled evilly, and flew towards another room.

"A small county magistrate actually hides so much gold and silver treasures in the treasury. He is really a big corrupt official. I will count your luck on meeting you today." The masked man in black smiled, I just glanced at these gold and silver treasures.

In the warehouse, apart from a lot of gold and silver treasures and some antique calligraphy and paintings, the masked man just glanced at it, and then lost his mind to look at it.Instead, I searched the warehouse again.Suddenly, with a glance, I saw a delicate wooden box.He opened the wooden box and found what he was looking for.Inside are two bottles of medicine in two white porcelain bottles.Presumably, one bottle is poison and the other bottle is antidote.

(End of this chapter)

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