The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

第269章 打死1个算1个出了事有9爷

Chapter 269
As expected, the county magistrate woke up the next day to find that his warehouse had been stolen.Outraged on the spot.Order the yamen servants to seal the gates of the city, and go door to door to catch this reckless thief.

Inside and outside of restaurants in Huiyang County.

"Have you heard? The mansion of the magistrate was robbed last night. I heard that the warehouse of the magistrate was looted." A group of ordinary people gathered together to discuss.

"Yeah. I've heard about it too. I don't know which hero did such a great thing."

"Yes, yes! What a hero."

Everyone's face is full of admiration.

"Hush... You don't know yet. I heard that the county magistrate was furious, and now he is arresting that thief all over the street. You dare to talk here, and you are dying." A timid man came over and muttered a few words.

"Wang Ergou, you are afraid of him, but we are not." An old man with white beard blew his goatee and stared.

"That's right, we're not afraid of him."

"Hmph, what you're saying now is really sweet. If the official comes to arrest me later, I don't know why I will cry for my father and mother." The man named Wang Ergou snorted.

"Wang Ergou, why are you talking?" The old man with white beard refused to accept it, and stared.Seeing that they were about to fight.Everyone hastily persuaded them down.At this time, the yamen servant came from the street.A somewhat absurd farce really stopped.

In Huiyang Inn.Because Yun Qing's poison was cured, but the arrow wound on Yun Qing's body has not been completely healed, adding what happened last night.Everyone had no intention of leaving immediately.Instead, he stayed in an inn.

"Qingqing, the weather is not bad. Let's go for a walk. This will also help your wound heal soon." Early in the morning, after breakfast, Chu Limo posted it.

"Alright." Yun Qing responded calmly.She is really not used to having her in the house and in bed all day.

"Jiu Ye, little...Young master, the yamen servants have come to search you." Nong Yue hurried over to report.Seeing the yamen servant who was about to come to the second floor, the young lady who played the moon quickly changed her name to the young master.

"Go to Liyou's room and protect her. As long as these people don't do anything, don't act rashly." Yun Qing ordered.Chu Liyou's peerless appearance can easily cause men to commit crimes, especially some stinky men who think they are uncles.

"Yes." Nong Yue replied and walked quickly to Chu Liyou's room.

In their group.Only Xiaoxiao pretended to be Chu Liyou's personal maid.And Nonghua and Nongyue have been following Yunqing in men's clothing.

Downstairs of the inn.

"Officer, what are you doing this early in the morning! We are all doing small businesses, and you will scare away these customers." The shopkeeper in the shop hurried forward to stop him.

"Go away!" The vicious yamen servant pushed the shopkeeper to the ground, and said viciously: "We are performing official duties, you dare to stop us. Do you want to die?"

The shopkeeper was frightened by this, and could only watch helplessly as the servants went up to the second floor.They are just ordinary people, and it is not easy to start a small business, and they dare not fight with the officials no matter what.

In fact, to say that these yamen servants are here to search is simply farting.They had no idea who the thief was.Is it male or female.Be old or young.Now they come out to put on a show, and if they meet unlucky ones, they will get a fortune, and if they meet a pretty chick, they will directly arrest them.

In this inn, apart from a few businessmen who passed by, only Yun Qing and his group were left.

(End of this chapter)

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