The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 272 A Kiss Means I Love You

Chapter 272 A Kiss Means I Love You (3)
"That can't be done. What will happen if I lose my face?" Nangong Jin said.

"Puchi." Yun Qing laughed.This Young Master Nangong is really interesting.

"My son came all the way from Xiyue, so it's fine if you don't appreciate it. I don't listen to your order." Nangong Jin proudly twisted that monstrous face.

"Since that's the case, let's invite Mr. Nangong to go together. Just in time, I want to ask Mr. Nangong about something." Yun Qing said calmly.With Nangong Jin around, even if Chu Limo gets sick, she can rest assured.

"Qingqing." Chu Limo looked quietly at the woman in his arms.

"Okay, then it's such a happy decision." Nangong Jin smiled and said, "Ms. Mu is still reasonable." Then she glanced at Chu Limo again, and said: "A girl as good as Ms. Mu, why don't you just look at him?" Fuck this guy. Let me tell you. This guy..."

"Shut up! Go back to Xiyue if you say one more word." Chu Limo gave Nangong Jin a cold warning.Nangong Jin who was chattering hastily shut his mouth.

Huiyang Inn.

When Yun Qing and the others came back, the mess in the inn had already been cleaned up.It's just that at the door of the inn, the dozen or so yamen servants are still lying at the door one by one, crying in pain.Because, at this time, they no longer have the ability to walk back by themselves.Just wait for someone to take them back.

"Wuqing is so naughty when he hits people." Looking at the yamen servant at the door, Nangong Jin laughed.Chu Limo just glanced at him coldly.Helped Yun Qing up to the second floor.

Knowing that Chu Limo hates him so much now.Nangong Jin shut her mouth knowingly.He doesn't want to offend this guy right now.Otherwise, it would be no fun on the way to Xiyue.

"Yunqing, brother. Why don't you ask me to go with you when you go out?" Pushing open the door, Chu Liyou was waiting there in the room. take her.

"I brought you, how sweet are the two of you?" At this time, Nangong Jin who was following behind pointedly interjected.

"Brother Jin! Why are you here?" Chu Liyou said happily when he saw Nangong Jin here.Finally, someone came to play with her.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. Our little sister Li You has grown so beautiful. She's become more and more cute. But her playful nature is still the same as before!"

"Brother Jin is laughing at me." Chu Liyou lowered his head in embarrassment.When I was young, my brother was in poor health and couldn't play with her, but at that time, whenever Brother Jin was free, he would play with her.Tell her stories and take her down the mountain to buy delicious things.In the past few years, brother Jin has become more and more busy, busy looking for an antidote for his brother.Time flies, three years have passed, and she and Brother Jin haven't seen each other for three years.

"Brother Jin, how dare you laugh at Liyou. But I'm curious, how did you escape from Monk Lingyin." Nangong Jin laughed.This little girl has been clamoring to leave Lingyin Temple.They all sneaked away several times, but each time they were captured by Monk Lingyin.I didn't expect that this time not only ran away, but also came here.

"It's a long story." Chu Liyou scratched his forehead embarrassingly.It took a lot of effort to escape from the hands of the master.Chu Liyou smiled: "Brother Jin, aren't you in Xiyue? Why did you come here? Also, why did you come back with brother Yun Qing?" Chu Liyou was quite curious about this.

(End of this chapter)

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