The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 278 Going to the River to Fish for Money and Missing in Nangong Jinshui

Chapter 278 Going to the River to Fish for Money and Missing in Nangong Jinshui (2)
Later, Nangong Jin, who was punished, would secretly fight with him every day.The two can be regarded as fighting since childhood.That's how the friendship came about.

Nangong Jin must be hiding somewhere in the water to watch the excitement.But now, in order not to worry Qingqing, he still had to go down to find this bastard.

After searching for a long time, no one found Nangong Jin.The people on the shore became even more anxious.

Seeing the passing of minutes and seconds, the face of Yun Qing who was standing on the shore became more and more heavy.I just hope that nothing will happen to Nangong Jin.

"Liyou, Xiaoxiao. The two of you are watching from the shore, and shouting if there is any movement." Yun Qing waited on the shore and could only be anxious.She had to go down and look for it before she could rest assured.

" must find Brother Jin." Chu Liyou originally wanted to say that her shoulder injury was not healed and she couldn't go into the water.But when he thought about how long time had passed and Brother Jin hadn't moved at all, he swallowed those words.

"Don't worry." Yun Qing comforted with a smile.But she herself didn't know what was going on under the water.I just hope that Nangong Jin is not a short-lived ghost, so unlucky and dead.

After searching for it for nearly a night, there was no trace of Nangong Jin.Nangong Jin seemed to have evaporated suddenly.Yun Qing, Chu Limo, Wu Qing, Nong Hua, and Nong Yue searched back and forth in the water for more than ten laps, but they couldn't find anyone.Not only was Nangong Jin gone, but the other box was also gone.There were only nine boxes that were fished out.

Seeing that the sky is about to dawn.Once dawn, the news of them going down the river to fish for money will be spread instantly.At that time, not only the silver cannot be transported back to the soldiers in Jicheng.Along the way, their hidden whereabouts will be exposed.In desperation, everyone had to go ashore first.

"How's it going, did you find brother Jin?" Chu Li cried in anxiety.

Yun Qing shook his head, "Don't worry, Nangong Jin was not found in the water. This means that he will be fine." Seeing that it was almost dawn, Yun Qing ordered: "Move these boxes back first. Tomorrow I was looking for Nangong Jin early in the morning."

When we arrived at the inn, it was already dawn.But because the county magistrate here was ruthlessly killed yesterday, the other guests and shopkeepers in the inn ran away with their families yesterday.Therefore, only Yun Qing and others live in this inn.

The death of the county magistrate made the people of Huiyang County feel that it was a happy event.For the person who killed the county magistrate, the people here already regard him as a hero.It's just that I didn't take the incense table to worship.

As soon as they returned to the inn, Chu Liyou, Xiaoxiao, Wuqing, Nonghua and Nongyue hurriedly went to the kitchen to prepare ginger soup to dispel the cold.

Wuqing, Nonghua, Nongyue and others are all martial arts practitioners, and they also have internal strength to protect their bodies.The clothes on his body have already been dried with internal force.Even Chu Limo, who has always been sick, has deep inner strength to protect him.It's all right.But Yun Qing is different, she is purely a handicapped person.Although Chu Limo dried Yun Qing's drenched clothes with internal force in time.But Yun Qing soaked in the cold river water for half the night.The wound that was supposed to heal was becoming infected.

Seeing that Yun Qing's infected wound was already bleeding and wet his clothes, Chu Limo felt distressed.It's all the bastard Nangong Jin, who has nothing to do with disappearing tricks.All the people who were killed went into the water to find him.

"Qingqing, it must be very painful." Chu Limo said distressedly.

Yun Qing's clothes were soaked in the water, causing the wound to become infected.The clothes were already close to the wound.At this moment, the clothes must be pulled out of the wound and reapplied.

(End of this chapter)

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