The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 280 The Secret in the Water

Chapter 280 The Secret in the Water (1)
It has been a day since Nangong Jin disappeared.Still no news.During this day, Chu Limo had asked Wuqing and others to search along the river bank, but there was no news.


"Why hasn't there been any news yet?" Chu Liyou walked around the inn anxiously.Chu Liyou shouted: "Xiaoxiao, go out and see if they have come back."

"Miss Liyou. I just went to see you." Xiaoxiao also knew that Chu Liyou was worried.She is also worried.So every few minutes, she has to take a look. "Miss Liyou, don't worry, a good person like Mr. Nangong must be blessed and destined, and the Bodhisattva will definitely protect Mr. Nangong."

I don't know if God really heard everyone's prayers or what happened.Xiaoxiao's voice just fell.I really saw Nangong Jin walking over from the outside.

"Mr. Nangong." Xiaoxiao was startled, and shouted: "Slave and maidservant, just tell me. Mr. Nangong has great fortune and destiny, and Bodhisattva will protect good people."

"Brother Jin, where have you been? Do you know that you scared us to death. We have been looking for you." Seeing that Nangong Jin was safe and sound, Chu Liyou's tense heart was relieved.

"You silly girl, you forgot. Brother Jin is so good at swimming. Brother Jin taught you how to swim. How could something happen to Brother Jin?" Nangong Jin laughed.

"Brother Jin is fine. We've been looking for you all the time. We're looking for you now, Wuqing, Nonghua, Nongyue, or the river bank. You don't know. We thought something happened to you that night. We were very anxious. Yun Qing went to look for you to get into the water, and the wound was infected." Chu Li said worryingly.Seeing that Nangong Jin was fine, Chu Liyou whispered in Nangong Jin's ear, "You also know my brother's feelings for Yun Qing, but my brother can't allow Yun Qing to suffer a little bit, but because of you, Yun Qing Regardless of the wound on your body, I went down to look for you. Now the wound is infected. My brother is with Yun Qing now. You'd better give brother and Yun Qing an explanation, otherwise my brother will definitely not let you go."

"You mean... Miss Mu also went into the water to find me."

"En." Chu Liyou nodded. "Brother Jin, you'd better be careful, don't anger brother." Chu Liyou reminded him kindly.

Nangong Jin patted Chu Liyou's shoulder and said, "Brother Jin has always been nice to you, right? You can't just ignore death at this time! In this way, Brother Jin will take a step first. Just pretend that Brother Jin never came back. Don't bother." Tell your brother that I was back."

"Brother Jin, it doesn't matter if you don't see brother. But Yun Qing is very worried about you. Don't you see Yun Qing? Yun Qing is just looking for you, regardless of his injury!" Chu Liyou said with a playful smile.

At this time, life-saving is the most important thing!Nangong Jin said: "Then, thank you for Brother Jin and Miss Mu. Brother Jin still has something to do, so let's go first. In addition, you tell Miss Mu that the box is outside the city."

"Brother Jin, are you sure you're still leaving now?" Chu Liyou raised his head, pointing in the direction of the second floor with a half-smile.Nangong Jin looked along.Seeing this, he was startled.Chu Limo stood there with a cold face, but Yun Qing stood there and smiled gently at him, "Mr. Nangong, since you are back, why leave in a hurry." It's just this seemingly gentle tone, how could he feel What about the horror?

In the hall downstairs, Chu Limo and Yun Qing sat side by side, Chu Liyou sat aside, and Xiaoxiao stood aside to serve.Nangong Jin deliberately kept a certain distance from Chu Limo.

"Tell me. What happened to Mr. Nangong who suddenly disappeared in the river. Now that Mr. Nangong is back, what about the box?" Yun Qing smiled gently.That smile made Nangong Jin feel a little flustered.The wooden girl's eyes seemed to want to eat people.

(End of this chapter)

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