The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 304 Bai Yue chases after her first arrival in Jicheng

Chapter 304 Bai Yue chases after her first arrival in Jicheng (2)
"What is the origin of this Xiyue Qi family?" Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and asked.This person, who has traveled all over the world with Yechen's identity these years, should be no stranger to Xiyue Qi's family.

"The Qi family is the number one sect in Jianghu in Xiyue. But in this generation of the Qi family, there is a noble concubine. This noble concubine gave birth to six princes and a princess for the emperor of Xiyue. The Qi family is from the Jianghu school. The son became a nobleman in Xiyue. The Qi family is powerful in Xiyue, enough to compete with the prince of Xiyue. I think that the Qi family's open competition to recruit relatives is to win the power of the world for the sixth prince." Chu Limo said: " These people in Baishui Town are only a part of them. The real masters haven’t arrived yet. But with so many masters coming from Xiyue, Yuhen can be busy.” When the last name was mentioned, Chu Limo’s tone was obviously a little more cautious. Hilarious mentality.

"Have you checked the Qi family?" Yun Qing said.A person who has leapt from a Jianghu sect to a royal aristocrat must have some means and skills behind it.

Chu Limo also understood what Yun Qing was referring to.The Qi family indeed carried a hint of mystery.He had suspected it a long time ago, but the result of his search was nothing.But this time when Nangong Jin came to Xiyue to look for 'Li Hun San', he still believed that the Qi family had serious suspicions.

It's just that the Qi family is heavily guarded, and it's impossible to sneak past.Unexpectedly, this time, the Qi family presented themselves with the opportunity.

"If what we are looking for is not in the Qi family, then it must be in the royal family of Xiyue." Chu Limo said.

Over the years, he has searched Xiyue, but he has not found any news about 'Li Hun San'.The only possibility is that 'Li Hun San' is in the Qi family or the royal family.Because there were only these two places, which he could not find with a lot of effort.

"Then let's go and have a look at this young lady of the Qi family's 'martial arts competition'." Yun Qing said with a hint of a smile that was not a smile.

Come out and get the news you want.The news was already known, and Yun Qing paid for the tea.The three of them wandered the street.

It is now the end of October, and the closer it is to Xiyue, the weather is much colder than that in the capital of Dachu.It is said that because it is snowing in Xiyue Kyoto at this time, the towns near the Xiyue border are also abnormally cold.

As soon as he left the teahouse, Chu Liyou shuddered.

"Are you cold? If it's cold, let's go back to the inn." Yun Qing looked at Chu Liyou and said.But it was quite strange to say that she didn't feel cold at all.Or her physique is more resistant to cold.

"En." Chu Liyou nodded. "What kind of weather is this here? It was fine when I went out, but it suddenly became cold."

"This is close to Xiyue. The weather must be different from Dachu's." Yun Qing said.The three walked towards the inn.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the inn, I met an old friend.However, both Chu Limo and Yun Qing dressed up deliberately, and this old friend did not recognize them.It was still Yun Qing who said with a smile: "Miss Bai, why have you come to Baishui Town?"

Hearing some familiar voices, but seeing the faces of two unfamiliar men.Bai Yue didn't remember who it was for a while.

"You know me?" Bai Yue looked at Yun Qing in a daze.

Yun Qing nodded and smiled, "Miss Bai forgot me so quickly. It's only been so long, why is Miss Bai's memory so bad." It can't be blamed on Bai Yue for not being able to remember who Yun Qing is for a while.When they were in Baihu Village back then, Chu Limo and Yun Qing never showed their true faces.And when she was in Huiyang County, Bai Yue had never seen Chu Limo and Yun Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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