The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 306 Uncle and Aunt

Chapter 306 Uncle and Aunt (1)
Jicheng.The border of Dachu.To the west of Jicheng, go to Xiyue Liangcheng, and two hundred miles to Liangcheng is the capital of Xiyue.Therefore, if they want to go to the capital of Xiyue, it will take ten days to hurry up.And the power of the second cousin is only within the scope of Da Chu, and Chu Limo, he also heard from Chu Limo along the way, that in Xiyue, he only has a few shops.The hidden clothes buried in Xiyue must not be moved unless it is absolutely necessary.Therefore, they need to stop in Jicheng and wait for the Qi family's martial arts competition in the spring of next year to recruit relatives.

When they arrived in Jicheng, their uncle and aunt were already waiting for them at the gate of the city.Although my uncle left the capital ten years ago and came to Jicheng.Her memory of her uncle only stayed at the age of five.But in the previous life, when the eldest cousin and sister Su got married, her uncle and aunt came back. She had seen her uncle and aunt at the wedding of her eldest cousin, so she could recognize them at a glance.

When Yun Qing was about to arrive in Jicheng, she had already taken off her men's clothes and changed into a simple and elegant skirt.In front of her relatives, she doesn't want to pretend, nor does she need to pretend.The camouflage along the way was to avoid causing complications, because in the eyes of the people in Dachu's capital, she was already a dead person.

"Uncle, aunt." After getting off the carriage, Yun Qing walked towards Wang Luoyang slowly.Seeing her uncle and aunt once, she felt a lot.Memories from previous lives also flooded in.

"Qing'er." Wang Luoyang looked at this girl who looked a little like a god, but her eyes looked like her sister's.I choked up for a moment.Not seeing each other for ten years, Qing'er has grown up so much.

"Yes. Uncle." Yun Qing smiled lightly.With every frown and smile, at that scene, Wang Luoyang seemed to have hallucinations, seeing his sister.

"Qing'er has been exhausted all the way. Stop standing here blowing the cold wind, and go home first." Auntie is a gentle, virtuous and beautiful woman.He was born in the famous Xu family in the capital.

"You're right, uncle is so happy and confused." Wang Luoyang was a little choked up and a little excited.When his sister left, he didn't even have time to take a last look.

"General Wang." Chu Limo also walked over, smiling warmly.

"This is...?" Although Chu Limo also took off his makeup, he returned to his original appearance.But Wang Luoyang had never met Chu Limo before, and today was the first time he met him.

"He is the Ninth Young Master mentioned in the second cousin's letter. Qing'er's future husband-in-law. We came to Jicheng this time to find medicine." Yun Qing said calmly.

"He...he is Li." His Royal Highness, before the three words were spoken, Yun Qing smiled softly, "Uncle, my cousin has already explained it clearly in the letter. For unnecessary trouble, it is good for uncle to call him Jiu Gongzi in the future. "After all, if the news of King Li leaving the capital gets out, it will be a huge sensation.Yun Qing pointed to Chu Liyou who was beside him and said, "Uncle, this is Li Mo's younger sister, Chu Liyou."

"I met General Wang."

But Nangong Jin did not come into Jicheng.Instead, Chu Limo asked Nangong Jin to go back to Xiyue to prepare. As for Bai Yue, Nangong Jin didn't come, so Bai Yue naturally followed Nangong Jin.

"Okay, okay, okay, let's go home first." Wang Luoyang said.

In the letter, Ziqing had already explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly.Although I hope that Qing'er can marry a good family, but after all, it is the emperor's fate.Besides, seeing Qing'er's indifferent look, she didn't seem to mind His Royal Highness Li's sick body, instead she traveled thousands of miles to find medicine.And His Royal Highness Li Wang was not as cold and weird as the rumors said.Perhaps it would not be a bad thing for Qing'er to marry him.

(End of this chapter)

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