The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 314: A New Year’s Gift to Express Love with Plum

Chapter 314: A New Year’s Gift to Express Love with Plum (1)
Yun Qing opened the door and walked in. Seeing her coming in, Chu Limo smiled softly and said, "Qingqing, you are back."

"Yeah." Yun Qing smiled softly, "I heard from my aunt that there is a big plum garden in Jicheng, and the plum blossoms are all in bloom. Shall we go and see it tomorrow?"

"Okay." Chu Limo smiled fondly.

Yun Qing approached Chu Limo's arms, and whispered softly: "Limo..."

She used to think that she was the most unlucky person in the world, not only was betrayed and stabbed by her good friend, but then she came to this place.After coming to this place, she found out that the original owner she occupied had monstrous hatred and she didn't know who her father was or the cause of her mother's death.However, she didn't realize until now that compared to what Chu Limo had suffered, these things were nothing at all.Chu Limo's poison was caused by his biological father, and his mother's death was also caused by his biological father.His body was tortured by the poison every day.And in his heart, what he suffers every day is the torture of the soul.Compared with these, she is still alive and well, but Chu Limo is living a life that is worse than death.

Chu Limo stroked Yunqing's black hair, and said with a fond smile, "Qingqing, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I just want to be in your arms."

"Qingqing likes it, and Qingqing can rely on her for a lifetime." Chu Limo's words contained a trace of pampering, a trace of tenderness, and a trace of warmth.

"Okay." Yun Qing replied lightly.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone got up early and could not be seen in the palace.Chu Limo also agreed to accompany Yun Qing to see Plum Blossoms, and his illness seemed to heal overnight.

The plum garden is in a garden in the west of Jicheng.Every time this season comes, literati and ladies who love plums in Jicheng will come here to appreciate plums and discuss poetry.

"They're not here anyway." If he knew he was going out to play at this time, his sister's fun-loving nature would have waited here early in the morning.

"Yesterday I heard that we are going to appreciate the plum blossoms. I guess they went early in the morning." Yun Qing said calmly, "Let's go too soon."

plum garden.

As soon as I walked into the plum garden, the scent of plum blossoms came to my nostrils.The snowflakes reflect the clusters of red plums, and the dark fragrance floats.

"It's so beautiful here." Yun Qing whispered.

"In my eyes, things that are beautiful can never compare to Qingqing. Qingqing is the most beautiful in my heart." Chu Limo doted on Yunqing's nose.Picked off a red plum and handed it to Yunqing, "To Qingqing."

Yun Qing picked up the plum blossom and smelled it, then smiled slightly, "This is the first bouquet of flowers I received in my life. I will treasure it well."

The two walked inside again.There is a pavilion in the garden, which is specially for those who appreciate plum blossoms.The two went to the table in the pavilion and sat down. There was already a red brazier in the pavilion.Yun Qing put the plum blossoms that Chu Limo gave her just now on the stone table.

"Is Qingqing cold?" Sitting down, Chu Limo rubbed Yunqing's hands.I want to rub Yun Qing's hands to warm them up.

"It's not cold." She also thought it was strange, in such a cold weather with snow falling, she really didn't feel the coldness at all.If she hadn't seen that it was really snowing and that Chu Liyou and the others were wrapped in thick cotton clothes, she would really have thought it was only autumn.

Chu Limo looked around, he and Qingqing seemed to be the only ones in the plum garden.Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing and tapped her nose, "Qing Qing said yesterday that she wanted to come to admire the plum blossoms, but today she is so secretive, is she trying to surprise me?"

"Guess." Yun Qing smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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