The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 316: A New Year’s Gift to Express Love with Plum

Chapter 316: A New Year’s Gift to Express Love with Plum (3)
Yun Qing smiled, took Chu Limo's hand, and wrote a word stroke by stroke in Chu Limo's palm.

That's a 'love'.

"See it clearly? It represents my unchanging heart for you."

"Qingqing, thank you!"

Qingqing has done so much just to let him forget all the pain in the past.But when Qingqing gave him this surprise, those past pains no longer existed.Instead, Qingqing left him moved.

If possible, I really hope that time can stay in this moment forever.Keep this beauty forever.

"You shouldn't say thank you, but..." Yun Qing stood on tiptoe and whispered softly in Chu Limo's ear.

Chu Limo also pressed against Yun Qing's ear, and softly uttered that sentence.The most beautiful love words in the world, "I love you" is better than any thousand words.

What Bai Yue said is not wrong: love can make a person forget all the pain.And that day, Chu Limo really wasn't sick.

Time passed quickly in the blink of an eye, and in a blink of an eye, it was already mid-December.Chu Limo's illness was cured as early as that day, and Nangong Jin didn't stay in Jicheng too much. Now at this time, Nangong Jin has already arrived in Xiyue Capital.

It looks like the New Year is coming soon.But these days, Yun Qing spends most of her time with Mrs. Wang, and she doesn't know what she's doing.Every time Chu Limo asked her, Yun Qing would smile mysteriously and never mention it.

"Qing'er, seeing how much you care about him, Auntie...he is also a good boy." Xu sighed lightly.It's just that His Royal Highness Li's body, they are not pedantic people, but they still hope that Qing'er can find someone who is healthy, disease-free and disaster-free to live a peaceful life.

"Auntie, Li Mo...he's fine." She never disliked his poor health.Because she knows that this is only temporary and everything will pass.

"You child is as stubborn as your mother." Mrs. Xu looked at Yun Qing, "but my aunt knows that you are happier than your mother. My aunt can see his affection for you. So, aunt and your uncle , will always support your choice.”

Yun Qing smiled lightly, holding the clothes she just made in her hand, and said with a smile: "Auntie, is this dress too ugly?"

Xu also laughed and said: "How come, this is your intention. The most important thing is the intention."

The two were talking when Chu Liyou came in.

"Hey, what are you doing? Why is there a strange symbol on it?" Chu Liyou held it and looked left and right, "Isn't this the symbol that was in Plum Garden that day?".The clothes are still only a semi-finished product, and this is the first time Yun Qing has made clothes, so it is inevitably a bit weird.As for the strange symbol in Chu Liyou's mouth, it is the English character 'LOVE'

Yun Qing nodded with a smile, "Yeah. It's clothes."

"Clothing." Chu Liyou picked it up and looked at it.It looks like a piece of clothing, "Yun Qing, you are learning how to make clothes with your aunt these days. Look at the style of this dress, it is for my brother." Yun Qing said nothing, just smiled lightly.Chu Liyou laughed, "It's really for my brother. Yun Qing, do you know? Except for mother, no one has ever made a piece of clothing for my brother with care. My brother will be very happy with the clothes you make I can't bear to take it off."

Xu said with a smile: "When Miss Liyou meets someone she likes, she will also make clothes for the person she likes. At that time, that person will definitely not want to take it off." But she didn't want to, today's joke will become a joke in the future. Really.But, she was not so lucky.No matter how many clothes and things she made for him, that person never gave a damn.Never even looked at her.

(End of this chapter)

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