The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 323 Someone is causing trouble in the Lantern Festival

Chapter 323 Someone Makes Trouble During the Lantern Festival (2)
Chu Liyou stared blankly at Yun Qing flirting with that girl.Asking her to do this, she seems unable to learn.Chu Limo's face was darkened. He knew clearly that Qingqing did it on purpose, but he was still very angry.

In Yun Qing's words, he is eating dry vinegar.

"Qingqing, stop playing." Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing and said.He really regrets it now. If he had known that Qingqing still had such a mischievous temper, he shouldn't have given Qingqing a brothel.

"Jiuye came here, he didn't drink alcohol, and he didn't look for girls, Jiuye, did you go to the wrong place?" Nangong Jin walked over with a girl in his arms.

Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin with a smile, she really thought he had changed his mind.It seems that his flirtatious temperament is still there, otherwise, once they arrived in Xiyue, Nangong Jin disappeared, and even Bai Yue couldn't find him. These days, Bai Yue almost turned Jinling over Come and look for it.Later, she was the one who asked Chu Limo, and Chu Limo only told her: wherever there is a brothel, there is Nangong Jin.Later, Bai Yue ran to Qianjiao Pavilion to look for her, but was still slipped away by Nangong Jin.

She knew that as soon as Zui Sheng Meng Shi opened, Nangong Jin would definitely come.Sure enough, she was caught.

"Young Master Nangong's confidante?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled.

I really don't know what happened to Nangong Jin, but Bai Yue followed him all the way because of him.He was fine, with a look of being near and far, hot and cold.

"I don't know which confidante Mr. Yun is talking about. I have confidante everywhere." Nangong Jin laughed, not looking at Chu Limo's already dark face, looking at the beauty in Yun Qing's arms, smiling Said: "My other son was a little surprised, and Master Yun also likes this."

"My son and Mr. Nangong are not the same in nature, so they should not be confused." Yun Qing laughed.Letting go of the girl in his arms, he looked at Nangong Jin, "Is there any news about what I asked you to check."

Nangong Jin also let go of the girl in his arms, and glanced at Chu Limo and Yun Qing, "I'm going out, I can't hear any news, there are so many people here, do you want to talk inside?"

"Go to the third floor." There are four floors in total. The first and second floors are used to entertain guests, and there are several rooms on the third floor, which are not allowed outside.It's best to talk about things above.

Chu Liyou was fascinated by watching the dance in the hall for a moment, and did not follow.On the third floor, there were only Chu Limo, Nangong Jin, and Yun Qing.

"Tell me, what have you found?" Yun Qing put away his appearance in the hall just now, and looked at Nangong Jin seriously.

"The Qi family is going to set up a ring in February to recruit relatives for the young lady of the Qi family. It is said that this young lady of the Qi family has all the martial arts skills taught by the head of the Qi family. In addition, the Qianjiao Pavilion was opened by the young master of the Qi family. Are you here?" Jin Ling opened this drunken dream and stole his business. He is a small-bellied and ruthless man like his father. He will definitely not let you steal his business. So, you better be careful One point." Nangong Jin said.

"What about Lihunsan?" Yun Qing asked.When opening this brothel, Chu Limo should have already thought of this possibility, but it wasn't because others were jealous that they stopped opening it.They opened this brothel just to find news about 'Li Hun San'.

Nangong Jin shrugged, "It's not so easy to find the news of Lihunsan. I said this is Xiyue Jinling City. If there is any disturbance, it will arouse others' suspicion."

(End of this chapter)

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