The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 326 Chased out and met Yuhen for the first time

Chapter 326 Chased out and met Yuhen for the first time (1)
"Where is Liyou?" Yun Qing swept the hall, but did not see Chu Liyou's figure.

Shuangshuang also glanced at the hall, but did not find Chu Liyou's figure, "Is it possible that Mr. Liyou went out during the trouble just now?"

Yun Qing thought for a while, and with Chu Liyou's fun-loving temperament, he should have gone out. "Look here." Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and said, "Let's go out and look for her on the street, she should be on the street."

At this time, Chu Liyou just saw the person she thought she would never meet again in 'Drunk Life, Dreams and Death'.But she didn't expect that she would meet him once in this Xiyue Jinling City.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he disappeared.She said that as long as she meets him, she must go up and ask who he is.Only then did they chase it out.

"My lord, someone has been following us. Do you want to get rid of him?" The man in black clothes held a folding fan in his hand, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.But if you look closely, you will find that the smile does not reach the eyes, and there is a trace of coldness. Behind the man is his bodyguard.

"No. Let him follow and see who he is." The man said coolly, without any warmth in his tone.

On the streets of Jinling City, people come and go, if you are not careful, you will sink into the sea of ​​people.Chu Liyou kept chasing after that black figure, but every time, he found that he was about to catch up, but was thrown away again.It was impossible to walk in front of him at all.

But she didn't want to just give up.It was so hard to meet, if she gave up this time, she really didn't know when the next time she met.

The crowd is surging, and when there are more people, troubles are most likely to occur.

"Come on! Catch the thief!" A little girl shouted and ran after her.And a man in front snatched the little girl's purse and ran forward desperately.Seeing that the direction of running is towards the man in Xuanyi.

But when Chu Liyou saw the man in Xuanyi in front, he walked over excitedly.Didn't even notice the sound behind.

"Stop. You thief." Although the people on the street heard the movement, none of them went up to help chase him.It's not that they are too indifferent, but that the world is like this.The less trouble, the better.

Chu Liyou was about to walk up to the man in Xuanyi.But at this moment, the person who was rushed by the surge hit him instantly.Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, but fortunately Chu Liyou and Lingyin had learned kung fu for more than ten years. Although they could not master kung fu, they would not be knocked down immediately.Besides, she didn't allow herself to make a fool of herself in front of that man.Chu Liyou turned around beautifully, but the impact was too violent.She was caught off guard for a moment, and ran towards the man in Xuanyi.At that moment, Chu Liyou thought that he was going to die.

But his body just didn't listen to his orders, and he fell towards the man in black clothes.At that moment, Chu Liyou screamed, "Ah..."

"It's Liyou's voice." Yun Qing and Chu Limo, who were chasing after them, glanced at the crowded street. There were so many people, it was impossible to find out exactly where Chu Liyou went.It was the same scream that Chu Limo heard all at once.

Chu Liyou never thought that in a meeting like this, she bumped into that man like this.At that moment, everything seemed to stand still.She could really feel his breathing and the temperature of his body.

The man in black clothes never thought that that person would bump into him, but at that moment, he had no time to think about it, and it was too late to even avoid it, because the person who bumped into him had already grabbed his clothes. He could only catch the figure that bumped into him.But what he didn't expect was that the person who bumped into him would be a woman.At this moment, his hand was pressed against her soft chest.

(End of this chapter)

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